The semester and academic year curricula offer courses in a wide range of subjects. Courses are taught at London South Bank University (LSBU). Students can enroll in up to 4 courses per semester. At least 2 courses must be from the same LSBU School: Arts & Creative Industries (ACI), Applied Science & Psychology (ASP), Built Environment & Architecture (BEA), Business (BUS), Engineering (ENG), School of Health & Social Care (HSC), or Law & Social Sciences (LSS). Most courses are the equivalent of 3 to 4-semester credits in the USA.
Students interested in an internship should select the Semester Internship or Summer Internship program.
Selecting Courses
Download the Excel Course Offerings file to view courses offered during Fall (Semester 1) and Spring (Semester 2). Use the “Semester” column in the file to limit your search to the desired term of study. Note that course codes with the number “_7_” are graduate-level and generally not open to undergraduate students.
Course/Syllabus Reference
This section provides the entire LSBU course catalog. DO NOT use this section for selecting your courses. This section is for reference purposes only to provide access to syllabi. To download syllabi, find the courses you selected (click on the + next to each department for a list of courses) and click on the course titles. If you cannot find a syllabus, contact KEI and we will request the syllabus from LSBU.
ACI: Arts & Festival Management
The Creative Industries (CRT_4_CRI)
The Legal Framework (AAP_5_TLF)
Modern Museum & Gallery Practice (AME_5_MMG)
Arts Research Project (AME_5_ARP)
Arts in Education and Community Settings (AME_6_ECS)
Managing Music (AME_6_MUS)
Visual Analysis (CIN_4_VAN)
Managing Social Media (CRT_4_MSM)
Visual Storytelling (CRT_5_VIS)
ACI: Creative & Professional Writing
The Practice of Literary Criticism (AME_4_PLC)
Understanding Poetry (AME_4_UNP)
Understanding Poetry
Introduction to Creative Writing I: Short Stories (AAP_4_CW1)
Narrative and Culture (AAP_4_NAC)
Drama in Society (AAP_4_DIS)
Introduction to Creative Writing II: Poetry (AAP_4_CW2)
Critical Approaches to Literature (AME_5_CAL)
Tragedy 1: To the English Renaissance (AME_5_TER)
Writing for Stage and Screen: An Introduction (AAP_5_WSS)
Literature into film (AAP_5_LIF)
Writing a Life (AME_5_WAL)
Contemporary Genre Fiction: Theory and Craft (AAP_5_CGF)
Shakespeare: Text and Performance (AME_6_STP)
Modernism and the City (AAP_6_MAC)
Film Adaptation (AAP_6_FAD)
Contemporary Fiction (AAP_6_CFI)
Modernism and the Stage (AAP_6_MAS)
Contemporary Poetry (AAP_6_COP)
Contemporary Black and Asian Writing: The British Context (AAP_6_BAW)
Writing for Performance (AAP_6_WFP)
Digital Journalism 1 (CRT_4_DJ1)
Journalism Futures (CRT_5_JRF)
Investigative Journalism (CRT_5_IJR)
Journalism and Society (CRT_4_JAS)
Introduction to Broadcast Journalism (CRT_4_IBJ)
ACI: Digital Image & Game Design
Digital Design Fundamentals (CRT-4-DDF)
New Media and Digital Arts (AME_4_NMD)
Digital Storytelling (AME_4_DST)
Thinking, Making, Writing and Debates in Creative Media (AME_4_TMW)
Moving Image Practices (AME-5-MIP)
Designing For Interaction (AME_5_DSI)
Critical Theories of Digital Media (AME_5_CTD)
Researching Digital Design CRT_5_RDD)
Self Publishing and the Photobook (AME_5_SPP)
Digital Image Construction (AME_4_DIC)
Tangible Play (AME_6_TPL)
3D Level Design (AME_5_LDS)
Memory Games (AME_4_MGM)
ACI: Film & Theater
Collaborative Practices (AME_5_CLP)
Editing and Post Production (CRT_4_EAP)
Fundamentals of Film and Television (TBC)
Approaches to Film and Television (TBC)
Documentary Theory (AME_4_DCT)
Video Technology (AME_4_VTC)
Film Adaptation (AAP_6_FAD)
Physical Filmmaking (FAM_4_PFM)
Sound Recording (FAM_4_SRE)
Documentary Theory (AME_4_DCT)
Introduction to Cinematography (AME_5_CIN)
Colour Grading (FAM_5_CGR)
Screenwriting (FAM_5_SCW)
Sound on Film (AME_5_SOF)
Film Analysis (FAM_5_FAN)
Reading the Screen: Analysis and Design (FAM_4_RTS)
The Rise of Cinema: History and Diversity (FAM_4_TRC)
The Film Auteur: Vision and Style (FAM_4_TFA)
Reading the Screen: Theory and Aesthetics (FAM_4_RST)
World Cinema: Origins and Forms (FAM_4_WCO)
Projecting Britain: from the Sixties to the New Millennium (FAM_5_PRB)
Visions of the City (FAM_5_VOC)
American Cinema: Hollywood and Independents (AME_5_AHI)
Contemporary Chinese Cinema with Mandarin (TBA)
Film and Revolution in the Developing World (FAM_6_FRD)
Contemporary Cinema and Digital Futures (FAM_6_CCD)
Expanded Photographic Practice (FAM_4_EPP)
Photography Critical Contexts (FAM_5_PCC)
Critiquing Gender and Sexuality in the Movies (FAM_5_CGM)
European Realism: Italy and France (FAM_5_ERI)
Editing and Montage (AME_4_EMN)
Documentary Practice (AME_4_DPR)
Modernism & the Stage
Performance Histories (CWP-4-PHS)
ACI: Photography
Documentary Photography (AME_4_DOP)
The Emergence of Photography (AME_4_IIP / AME_4_EOP)
Photo Imaging: Studio and Lab (AME_4_PSL)
Contemporary Photography Commissions (AME_4_COP)
Digital Image Construction (AME_4_DIC)
Fashion, Editorial and Advertising Photography (AME_5_FEA)
Photography and the Gallery (AME_5_PAG)
Self Publishing & the Photobook (AME_5_SPP)
Contemporary Photographic Debates (AME_5_COP)
Visual Storytelling (CRT_5_VIS)
ACI: Music, Sound & Visual Effects
Introduction to Film Sound (CRT_4_IFS)
Sound for Film and Television (FAM_4_SFT)
Sample & Sequence (AME_4_SSQ)
Sound in Context (CRT_4_SIC)
Field Recording (CRT_4_FRC)
Sound Synthesis (CRT_4_SSY)
Sound to Picture (CRT_4_STP)
Music Image Text (AME_5_MIT)
Introduction to VFX (CRT_4_ITV)
Post-Production (CRT_4_PPR)
The VFX Industry (CRT_4_TVI)
Computer Graphics – 1 (CRT_4_CG1)
Studio Production (CRT_5_SPR)
Introduction to Studio Practice (CRT_4_ISP)
Contemporary Music Industry (CRT_4_CMI)
Performance MIM (CRT_5_PRF)
Researching Digital Design (CRT_5_RDD)
ASP: Applied Science
Biology of the Cell (ASC_4_406)
Scientific Skills (SFB_4_100 / ASC_4_402)
Anatomy & Physiology (ASC_4_401)
Human Evolution, Physiology & Behaviour (FBS_5_202)
Physics for Life (ASC_5_443)
Numerical Methods for Bioscientists (ASC_4_410)
Research Methods for Bioscience (ASC_5_474)
Pathophysiology & Pharmacology (AHP_5_003)
Current Perspectives in Bioscience (ASC_6_450_1718)
Disease & Immunity (ASC_5_441)
Core and Materials Science (ASC_4_415)
ASP: Forensics
Introduction to Forensic Science (EAC_4_133 / ASC_4_414)
Fundamentals of Measurement and Instrumentation (ASC_4_412)
Core and Materials Science (ASC_4_415)
Introduction to Law for Forensic Scientists (ASC_4_413)
Introduction to Forensic Science
Criminal Law for Forensic Scientists (ASC_5_422)
Forensic Biology (ASC_5_417)
Research Methods for Forensic Science (ASC_5_475)
Explosion, Fire and Firearms (ASC_5_423)
Law of Evidence for Forensic Scientists (ASC_6_458)
ASP: Nutrition & Food Science
Nutrition, Health & Disease (ASC_4_409)
Foodology (ASC_4_411)
Human Nutrition (ASC_5_440)
Public Health (ASC_5_447)
Safe Food Preparation (ASC_5_444)
Disease & Immunity (ASC_5_441)
Human Evolution, Physiology and Behaviour (ASC_5_456)
Research Methods for Bioscience (ASC_5_474)
Physics for Life (ASC_5_443)
Food Composition, Properties & Analysis (EAC_5_408 / ASC_5_446)
Food Microbiology (ASC_5_445)
Food Control and Sustainable Practice (ASC_6_451)
New Food Product Development (ASC_6_453)
Aetiology of Disease (ASC_6_449)
Clinical Nutrition (ASC_6_454)
Current Perspectives in Biosciences (ASC_6_450)
Advanced Topics in Food Science and Technology (ASC_6_452)
Advanced Topics in Food Science (ASC_6_452)
Advanced Topics in Human Nutrition (TBA)
ASP: Psychology
Exploring Psychological Approaches (PSY_4_EPA)
Introducing Psychological Approaches (PSY_4_IAA)
The Psychology of Feelings (PSY_5_POF)
The Psychology of Learning and Memory (PSY_5_PLM)
Psychological Research Methods 1 (PSY_1_ERM)
Psychological Research Methods 2 (PSY_2_ERM)
Psychological Research Methods 3 (PSY_3_PRM)
Psychological Research Methods 4 (PSY_4_PRM)
The Psychology of Thinking and Communication (PSY_5_PTK)
The Psychology of Behaviour with Others (PSY_5_PBO)
Introducing Real-world Psychology (PSY_4_IWP)
Exploring Real-world Psychology (PSY_4_ERW)
Neuropsychology (PSY_6_NRP)
Counselling Psychology (PSY_6_CPP)
Thinking: Past, Present and Future (PSY_6_PPF)
Health Psychology (PSY_6_HTP)
Psychology of Addictive Behaviour (PSY_6_PAB)
Art, Awareness and the Brain (PSY_6_AAB)
Development of Brain and Behaviour in Infancy (PSY_6_DBB)
Lifespan Development (PSY_6_LSD)
Psychology in the Workplace (PSY_6_PWK)
ASP: Sport Science, Coaching & Analysis
Anatomy & Physiology (ASC_4_401)
Biomechanics 1 (ASC_4_404)
Biomechanics 2 (ASC_5_435)
Sports Psychology 1 (ASC_4_405)
Sports Psychology 2 (ASC_5_424)
Strength and Conditioning Theory (ASC_5_426)
Research Methods (Sports & Exercise Science) (ASC_5_437)
Exercise Physiology and Laboratory Testing (ASC_5_438)
Perception and Action 1 (ASC_4_439)
Clinical Applied Biomechanics (ASC_6_468)
Environmental Exercise Physiology (ASC_6_469)
Scientific Skills (Sports) (ASC_4_402)
Advanced Strength & Conditioning Practices (ASC_6_433)
Sport & Exercise Nutrition (ASC_5_429)
BEA: Architecture, Built Environment & Construction
Design 101: Introduction to Architecture (EBB_4_501)
Design 102: Intervention (EBB_4_502)
Design 103: Integrated Design Project (EBB_4_503)
Design 201: Architecture (EBB_5_507)
Design 202: Architecture (EBB_5_508 )
Design 203: Architecture (EBB_5_509)
Design 301: Architecture (EBB-6-513)
Design 302: Brief and Context (EBB_6_514)
Communication 1 – Architecture (EBB-4-506)
Communication 2: Digital Design (EBB-5-512)
Surveying and Setting Out (EBB_4_040)
Valuations (EBB_6_173)
Management of the Firm (EBB_6_030 )
Project Appraisal and Cost Control (EBB-5-120)
Project Management (EBB-6-020)
Building Economics (EBB_5_130 )
3D CAD and Building Information Modelling ( EBB_5_160)
Architectural Design & Technology ( EBB_4_060)
Building Survey and Inspection ( EBB_4_050)
Construction Planning (EBB_5_150)
Corporate and Financial Management ( EBB_6_040)
Cultural Context 2 (EBB_2_510)
Management of Organisation (EBB_5_230)
Construction Technology & Materials (EBB_4_021)
Building Services and Environmental Science ( EBB_4_070)
Supporting Studies ( EBB_4_010)
Legal and Economic Context ( EBB_4_030)
Mechanical Services for Buildings (EUC_4_946)
Theory of Architecture, Design & Conservation ( EBB_5_020)
Sustainable Construction and the Environment (EBB_5_030)
Measurement 1 and Documentation (EBB_5_050)
Construction Contract Law ( EBB_5_080)
Estimating and Tendering Process ( EBB_5_090)
Building Economics ( EBB_5_130)
Production Management ( EBB_5_140)
BIM with Structural Analysis (EUA_5_403)
Cost Planning and Tender Process ( EBB_5_100)
Planning and Development Controls ( EBB_5_180)
Estate and Property Asset Management ( EBB_5_200)
Construction Technology (EUA_5_414)
Design Futures and Emerging Technologies (ENG_5_548)
Measurement, Cost Planning and Tender Process For Architects and Building Surveyors (EBB_5_110)
Technology 2 ( EBB_5_511)
Project Management (EBB_6_020)
Contract Administration (EBB_6_060)
Sustainable Construction and the Environment ( EBB_5_030)
Construction (EBB_6_158)
Construction and Planning (EBB_6_172)
Noise and Vibration Control (EUA_6_953)
Property Law and Valuations (EBB_6_120)
Contract Practice and Administration (EBB_6_050)
Institutional and Legal Context for Property (EBB_6_195)
BEA: Civil Engineering & Building Services
Engineering Mathematics and Modelling (ENG_4_401)
Internal Environment and Comfort (BEA_4_456)
Electrical Services in Buildings (BEA_5_466)
Design for Operation (BEA_5_469)
Design of Elements A (BEA_5_413)
Project and Business Management (BEA_5_465)
Integrated Building Design (BEA_5_464)
Structures and Design A (BEA_6_420)
Structures and Design B (BEA_6_445)
Lighting and Electrical Systems (BEA_6_470)
Heat and Mass Transfer Applications (BEA_6_471)
Clean Technology (ENG_6_479)
Transport Planning and Highway Engineering (BEA_6_423)
Energy Management and Controls (BEA_6_473)
BUS: Business, Enterprise & Management
Concepts of Management (BBS_4_COM)
People and Organisations (BBM_4_PEO)
Management and Information Systems (BBS_4_MIS)
Mobile Applications – From Idea to Mass Adoption (BBS_6_MAP)
People and Organisations (BBM_4_PEO)
Management and Information Systems (BBS-4-MIS)
Retail Operations (BBS_5_ROP)
Business Research Methods (BBS_6_REM)
Managing Business Logistics and Negotiations (BBS_5_MBL)
Entrepreneurial Mind-set Business Discovery and Development (BBS_5_BBD)
Fundamentals of Project Management (BBS_5_FPM)
Digital Transformation (BAE_5_DTR)
Business Contracts (BBS_5_BCT)
Diagnostic Analytics (BBS_5_DAN)
Emerging Markets, and the Asia-Pacific Business Environment (BBS_5_EMM)
Business Ethics Today: Social & Legal Foundations (BBM-5-BET)
Managing the Principals of E-Business (BBS_5_MPB)
Managing Business & Innovation (BBS_5_MBI)
Social Media in a Business Context (BBS_5_SMB)
The Insight Manager (BBM_5_TIM)
Human Resource Management (BBM_5_HRE)
Understanding the Consumer (MMP_5_UTC)
Integrated Contemporary Communications (MMP_5_ICC)
Employment and Labour Markets (BBS_6_ELM)
Strategic Management & Leadership (BBS_6_SML)
Managing and Leading SMEs (BBS_6_MLS)
Learn to Agile Enterprise Operations (BBS_6_LAE)
Entry Strategies for International Markets (BBS_6_ESI)
Strategic Management (BBM_6_STM)
Business Simulation (BBS_6_SIM)
Multinational Firms and Global Trade (BBS_6_MFG)
Small Business Planning & Strategy (IHS_3_423 / BBM_6_SBP)
Strategic P3: Portfolio, Programme & Project Management (BBS_6_PPP)
Resourcing and Reward (BBM_6_RER)
Business Research Methods (BBS_6_REM)
Funding Enterprise Projects (BBS_6_FEP)
Mobile Applications – From Idea To Mass Adoption (BBS_6_MAP)
Starting an E-Business (BBS_6_SEB)
Aspects of UK Employment Law (BBM 6 AEL)
Comparative International Management (BAE_6_CIM)
Training and Development (BBM_6_TAD)
Employee Relations (BBM_6_ERE)
Statistical Techniques for Business and Finance ((BBS_6_STB)
Business Performance Management (BAF_6_BPM)
Legal Protection of Business Creativity (BBS_6_LPB)
Optimization Techniques and Methods (BBS_6_OTM)
People Resourcing (BBM_6_PER)
Individual and Organisational Learning and Development (BBM_6_IOL)
Tools of Management Science (BBS_6_TMS)
Legal Business Management (BBS_6_LBM)
Fundamentals of Agile Project Management (BBS-7-FAP)
Qualitative Aspects of Project Management.pdf (BAE_7_QAL)
Project Risk Management (BAE_7_RCC)
Qualitative Aspects of Project Management (BAE_7_QAL)
Organization Behaviour in an International Context (MMP_7_ORG)
Brand Management in International Context (MMP_7_BMI)
Organisation Behaviour in an International Context (MMP_7_ORG)
Managing Across Cultures (BBM_7_MAC)
International Organisational Behaviour (BUS_7_IOB)
Strategic Leadership and Management (BUS_7_SLM)
BUS: Economics
Business Economics 1 (BBS_4_ECO)
Business Economics 2 (BBS_4_ECN)
Finance and the Economy (AFE_4_FEC)
The Digital Economy (AFE_5_TDE)
Intermediate Macroeconomics (BBS_5_MAC)
Quantitative Methods for Economists (BBS_5_QEC)
Responsible Business (BAE_5_REB)
Environmental Economics & Sustainability (BBS_5_EES)
Historical and Institutional Economics (BBS_5_HIE)
Intermediate Macroeconomics (BBS_5_MAC)
Intermediate Microeconomics (BBS_5_MIC)
Introduction to Econometrics (BBS_5_ECO)
Economic Research (BBS_6_ERE)
Introduction to Advanced Macroeconomics (BBS_6_AMA)
Employment and Labor Markets (BBS_6_ELM)
Introduction to Advanced Microeconomics (BBS_6_AMI)
Contemporary Issues Facing the UK and World Economy (BBS-6-CIE)
Financial Econometrics (BBS_6_FEC)
Behavioural Economics (BBS_6_BEC)
BUS: Fashion Merchandising & Retail
Fashion Promotion in Practice (CIN_4_FPP_1)
Brands, Branding and Social Media (CIN_4_BBS)
Introduction to Cross-Platform Creative Practice (CAT_5_CCI)
The Insight Manager (BBM_5_TIM)
Fashion, Retail & Consumer Trends (CIN_5_FRC_1)
Fashion Events and Promotion (BBM_6_BMG)
Brand Management (BBM_6_BMG)
Retail Boutiques & Shopper Behaviour (BBS_6_RBB)
Negotiated project (TBD)
Fashion Promotion in Context (TBD)
Visual communication (TBD)
Marketing in a digital world (TBD)
Principles of Marketing (TBD)
The consumer behaviour analyst (TBD)
Managing Luxury Brands and Branding (TBD)
Artisans, Supply Chains and the Luxury Consumer (TBD)
The communications manager
Fashion, Editorial and Advertising photography (TBD)
Extended research project (TBD)
Enterprising futures: personal and professional practice (TBD)
Marketing strategy and planning (TBD)
BUS: Finance & Accounting
Financial Accounting Fundamentals (BAF_4_FAF)
Finance and the Economy (AFE_4_FEC)
Advanced Management Accounting (BAF_5_AMA)
Taxation Fundamentals (BAF-5-TAF)
Employability Skills for Accountants (BAF_5_ESA)
Business and Company Law (BAF_5_BLA)
Financial Accounting and Analysis ( BAF_5_FAA)
Fundamentals of Finance (BAF_5_FOF)
Global Finance and Technology (AFE_6_GFT)
Accounting and Finance Theories and Issues (BAF_6_AFT)
Financial Reporting (BAF_6_FRE)
Managerial Finance (BAF_6_MFI)
Audit and Assurance (BAF_6_AAS)
Corporate Finance & Risk Management (BAF-6-CFR)
Advanced Corporate Reporting (BAF_6_ACR)
Advanced Personal Taxation (BAF–6–APT)
Personal Finance (BAF_6_PFI)
Enterprise Strategy (BAF_6_EST)
Entrepreneurial Finance (BAF_6_EFI)
Management Accounting for Decision Making (BAF_6_MAD)
Institutional Fund Management (BAF-7-IFU)
International Financial Management for Business (AFE_7_IFM)
Corporate Financial Management (BAF_7_CFM)
BUS: Marketing
Principles of Marketing (BBM_4_POM / BBM_4_PRM)
Marketing in a Digital World (BBM_4_MDW)
Brands, Branding and Social Media (CIN_4_BBS)
Cultural Identities in Advertising (CIN_5_CIA)
Understanding the Consumer (MMP_5_UTC)
The Consumer Behavior Analyst (BBM_5_CBA)
The Insight Manager (BBM_5_TIM)
The Communications Manager (BBM_5_TCM)
Channel Management Logistics (BBM-5-CHM)
The Innovation & Product Manager (BBM_5_IPM)
The Customer Experience Manager (BBM_5_CEM)
Marketing Research (BBM_5_MRE)
Market Research & Digital Analytics (MMP_5_MRD)
Marketing & Digital Strategy & Planning (MMP_6_MDS)
Marketing Strategy & Planning (BBM_6_MSP)
Advertising and Promotion (BBM_5_AAP / BBM_6_APR)
Consumer Behaviour (BBM_5_CBB / BBM_6_COB)
Direct & Digital Marketing Strategy (BBM_6_DDM)
Public Relations (BBM_6_PRE)
International Marketing (BBM_6_INM)
Marketing for the 21st Century (BBM_6_MCU)
Brand Management (BBM_6_BMG)
PR, Propaganda & Persuasion (TBD)
ENG: Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
Introduction to Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (ENG_4_470)
Engineering Principles (ENG_4_402)
Design and Practice (ENG_4_403)
Engineering Mathematics and Modelling (ENG_4_401)
Advanced Mathematics (BEA_5_415)
Fluids and Separation (ENG_5_472)
Thermodynamics (ENG_5_473)
Geoscience, Well Drilling and Logging (ENG_5_482)
Clean Technology (ENG_6_479)
Chemical Engineering Processes 2 (ENG_6_477)
Process Safety and Environmental Management (ENG_6_476)
Advanced Fluids and Control (ENG_6_478)
Petroleum Processes and Control [Stream 1] (ENG_6_483)
Production Engineering (ENG_6_484)
Reservoir Management (ENG_6_485)
Reservoir Engineering and Petroleum Economics (ENG_5_481)
Chemical Engineering Design and Practice (ENG_5_475)
Chemical Engineering Processes 1 (ENG_5_474)
Chemical Engineering Processes 2 (ENG_6_477)
ENG: Computer Science & Information Technology/Systems
Data Structures and Algorithms (CSI_4_DSA)
Discrete Mathematics (CSI_4_DMA)
Professional Practice (CSI_4_PPR)
Requirements Analysis and User-Centered Design (CSI_4_RAU)
Software Development (CSI_4_SOD)
Fundamentals of Software Development (CSI_4_FSD)
Fundamentals of Computer Science (CSI_4_FCS)
Web Technologies (CSI_5_WET)
Operating Systems (CSI-5-OSY)
Object-Oriented Programming (CSI_5_OOP)
Software Engineering (CSI_5_SFE)
Information Systems Management (CSI_5_ISM)
Analysis and Design (CSI_5_AAD)
Discrete Mathematics (CSI_4_DMA)
Advanced Programming (CSI-5-ADP)
Big Data and Database Systems (CSI_5_BDD)
Principles of Data Networks (CSI_5_PDN)
System Administration and Maintenance (CSI_5_SAM)
Developing Applications (CSI_5_APD)
Artificial Intelligence (CSI_6_ARI)
Systems and Cyber Security (CSI_6_SCS)
Data Management (CSI_7_DAT)
Systems – Cyber Threats, Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures (CSI_7_SYS)
Deep Learning (CSI_7_DEL)
Data Mining and Analysis (CSI_7_DMA)
Foundations of Calculus, Statistics, and Optimisation (CSI_7_FCS)
Machine Learning (CSI_7_MAL)
Python Programming for AI and Visualization (CSI_7_PPA)
Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (EEE_5_CAO)
Cybersecurity and Cryptography (EEE_6_CSC)
Engineering Mathematics and Modelling (ENG_4_401)
Engineering Principles (ENG_4_402)
Design and Practice (ENG_4_403)
Engineering Computing (ENG_4_405)
Engineering Software (ENG_5_411)
Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (ENG_5_536)
Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (ENG_5_524)
Advanced Computer Engineering (ENG_6_538)
Software Development for Business 2 (BIF_4_SD2)
Mathematical Analysis for Informatics (BIF_4_MAI)
Introduction to Data Communications and Networks (ENG_4_531)
Computer Technology (BIF_4_COT)
Media, Computers and Networks (BIF_4_MCN)
Socio-Technical Analysis of Requirements (BIF_4_SAR)
Computing Platform Administration (BIF_4_CPA)
Research & Professional Practice (BIF_5_RPP)
Digital Business Applications (BIF_5_DBA)
System Design Techniques (BIF_5_SDT)
Introduction to Business Intelligence (BIF_5_IBI)
Operating Systems and Multimedia (ENG_5_534)
Managing Technological Innovation (BIF_5_MTI)
Management Concepts & Evaluation Techniques (BIF_5_MCT)
User Centred Design (BIF_5_UCD)
Systematic Software Development (BIF_5_SSD)
IT Infrastructure & Management (BIF-5-IIM / BIF_5_SDT)
Enterprise Architectures (BIF_5_ENA)
Business Database Systems (BIF_5_BDS)
Distributed Computer Systems (BIF_6_DCS)
Principles of Data Mining (BIF_6_PDM)
Web Services, Security & Management (BIF_6_WSM)
IT Systems Administration (BIF_6_ISA)
Information Management and Decision Support Systems (BIF_6_IMD)
Network Configuration and Management (BIF_6_NCM)
Designing Business Intelligence Systems (BIF_6_DBI)
Strategic IT Management (BIF_6_SIM)
Usability Engineering & Evaluation (BIF_6_UEE)
Dynamic Technologies for the Web (BIF_6_DTW)
ENG: Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Engineering Principles (ENG_4_402)
Design and Practice (ENG_4_403)
Advanced Mathematics (BEA_5_415)
Engineering Mathematics and Modelling (ENG_4_401)
Design and Practice (ENG_4_403)
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ENG_4_404)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (ENG_5_410)
Circuits, Signals and Systems (EEA_5_991 / ENG_5_412)
Analogue and Digital Circuit Design (ENG_5_557)
Principals of Control (EEA_5_008 / ENG_5_415)
Team Design Project (ENG_5_414)
Innovation and Enterprise (ENG_6_422)
Advanced Analogue and RF Electronics (ENG_6_420)
Control Engineering (ENG_6_423)
Digital Systems Design (ENG_6_421)
Principles of Computer Engineering (ENG_4_532)
Introduction to Vehicle Engineering (TBA)
Introduction to Communication Systems and Networks (EEA_5_982 / ENG_5_533)
Instrumentation and Control using Labview (EEA_5_419)
Optical and Microwave Communication Systems (ENG_6_520)
Network Technologies and Design (ENG_6_537)
Systems & Software Engineering (ENG_6_539)
DSP for Communications (ENG_6_522)
Control Engineering (ENG_6_423)
Electrical Services for Buildings (ENG_5_525)
Electrical Energy Converters and Drives (ENG_6_528)
Lighting (ENG_6_527)
Engineering Software (ENG_5_411)
Advanced Computer Engineering (ENG_6_538)
Engineering Computing (ENG_4_405)
Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (ENG_5_536)
Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (ENG_5_524)
Technology Evaluation and Commercialisation (EEB_7_713)
Introduction to Digital Electronics (ENG_4_406)
ENG: Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Principles (ENG_4_402)
Design and Practice (ENG_4_403)
Engineering Mathematics and Modelling (ENG_4_401)
Advanced Mathematics (BEA_5_415)
Thermofluids and Dynamics (ENG_4_440)
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (ENG_4_441)
Engineering Design (ENG_5_442)
Machine Drives and Mechatronics (ENG_5_442)
Thermofluids and Sustainable Energy (ENG_5_446)
Dynamics and Control (ENG_5_447)
Manufacturing Systems and Material Technologies (ENG_6_450)
Dynamics and System Modelling ( ENG_6_451)
Thermofluids and Turbomachinery (ENG_6_452)
Advanced Solid Mechanics (EEB_7_306)
Advanced Thermofluids and Energy Systems (EEB_7_305)
Design Contexts and Communications (ENG_5_547 / MED_5_DCC)
Visual Communications (ENG_4_542 / MED_4_VCO)
ENG: Product Design
Engineering Principles (ENG_4_402)
Design and Practice (ENG_4_403)
Engineering Mathematics and Modelling (ENG_4_401)
Advanced Mathematics (BEA_5_415)
Design Methods (ENG_4_541)
Visual Communications ( ENG_4_542)
Digital Design and Modelling (ENG_4_543)
Solid Mechanics and FEA B (MED_5_SME)
Mechatronics (ENG_5_516)
Design Thinking and Applications (ENG_5_546)
Design Contexts and Communications (ENG_5_547)
Virtual Engineering and CAD ( ENG_5_409)
Portfolio Engineering Projects (ENG_6_416)
Manufacturing Systems (ENG_6_487)
Research Methods for Design Projects (ENG_6_552)
Engineering Product Design Project (ENG_6_417)
Inclusive Design and Usability (ENG_4_544)
Design Futures and Emerging Technologies ( ENG_5_548)
Digital Visualisation and CAD (ENG_5_551)
Portfolio Design Projects (ENG_6_556)
Design and Culture (ENG_6_554)
Product Design Project (ENG_6_557)
Service and Systems Design (ENG_6_553)
Mathematics B (BEA_4_408)
Design and Manufacture Project PD (ENG_5_550)
Design Interactions (ENG_5_549)
Design for Sustainable Society (ENG_4_545)
HSC: Eastern Medicine
The School of Health Sciences (HSC) is undergoing curriculum review. As such, HSC courses may not be available to study abroad students. If you select HSC courses, make sure to have non-HSC course as back-up.
Anatomy & Physiology (ASC_4_401)
Biomedicine 2: Pathophysiology and Pharmacology (AHP_5_003)
Nutrition, Health & Disease (ASC_4_409)
Human Nutrition (ASC_5_440)
Public Health (ASC_5_447)
Disease & Immunity (ASC_5_441)
Physics for Life (ASC_5_443)
Aetiology of Disease (ASC_6_449)
Chinese Medicine 1: Basic Principles (AHP_4_001)
Chinese Medicine 2: Differentiation (AHP_5_006)
Concepts of Inter-professional Practice in Health and Social Care (AHP_4_004)
Tuina and Jingluo 1 (AHP_4_002)
Tuina and Jingluo 2 (AHP_5_001)
Chinese Language 1 (AHP_4_005)
Chinese Language 2 (AHP_5_005)
History of Chinese Medicine (AHP_4_007)
Sociology of Health (AHP_5_004)
Running a Practice (AHP_5_007)
HSC: Health & Social Care
The School of Health Sciences (HSC) is undergoing curriculum review. As such, HSC courses may not be available to study abroad students. If you select HSC courses, make sure to have non-HSC course as back-up.
Public Health (EAA_5_420 / ASC_5_447)
Sociology of Health (AHP_5_004)
Running a Practice (AHP_5_007)
Academic and Personal Development (HSC_4_001)
Context of Health and Social Care Provision (HSC_4_002)
Communication in Health Care (HSC_4_003)
Managing Change (HSC_4_004)
Ethics and Law in Health Care (HSC_4_005)
Inter-Professional Working in Practice (HSC_4_006)
Managing People in Health Care (HSC_5_001)
Managing Risk in Health Care ( HSC_5_002)
Social Enterprise and the Voluntary Sector (HSC_5_003)
Evidence-Based Practice for Health and Social Care (HSC_6_002)
Commissioning, Procurement and Managing Resources (HSC_6_003)
Leadership in Health and Social Care (HSC_6_006)
Governance of Health and Social Care (HSC_5_004)
LSS: Criminal Justince
Issues in Crime (DSS_4_IIC)
Deconstructing the Crime Problem (DSS_4_DCP)
Introduction to Criminological Theory (DSS_4_ICT)
Criminal Law (LAW_5_CRI)
Social Justice in Action (DSS_4_SJA)
London Crime and Social Exclusion (DSS_5_LCS)
Penal Theory Policy and Practice (DSS_5_PTP)
Issues in Criminal Justice History (DSS_5_ICJ)
Crime, Disorder and Community Safety (DSS_5_CDC)
Issues in Contemporary Policing (DSS_5_ICP)
Youth, Crime and Delinquency (DSS_5_YCD)
Hate Crime (DSS_6_HCR)
Crime, Media and Culture (DSS_6_CMC)
Crimes of the Powerful: States, Corporations and Human Rights (DSS_6_COP)
Gender, Crime and Justice (DSS_6_GCJ)
Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity (DSS_6_GTC)
Contemporary Crime (DSS_6_CCR)
Crimes of the Powerful States, Corporations and Human Rights (DSS_6_COP)
Social Justice and Social Policy (DSS_6_SJS)
LSS: History
Historical Practice and Research (DSS_4_HPR)
Historical Sources and Methods: Skills in History (DSS_4_HSM)
Revolutions, Wars and the Making of the Modern World (DSS_4_RWM)
20th Century British History: Democracy, Crisis and Modernity (DSS_5_TCB)
20th Century London: a History of the Metropolis (DSS_5_TCL)
Life and Times in Nazi Germany (TBA)
Modern Ireland: from Independence to the Celtic Tiger (TBA)
Suffrage to Citizenship: Female Activism in the 20th Century (TBD)
American History / American Cinema (TBD)
Black History (TBD)
LSS: International Relations & Politics
Introduction to International Relations (DSS_4_IIR)
International Relations in Theory and Practice (DSS_4_IRL)
International Society – Conflict, Revolution & Empire (DSS_4_ISC)
Theoretical Perspectives in International Relations (DSS_4_TPI)
Introduction to Political Theory (DSS_4_IPT)
North and South: Issues in International Development (DSS_4_NAS)
Politics, Decision Making and Democracy (DSS_4_PDM)
Globalisation and Development Africa and the BRIC Economies (DSS_5_GAD)
International Security (DSS_5_INS)
European Politics In Transition: Continuity & Change (DDS _5_EPT)
Sustainability: Reimagining a Future for Everyone (DSS_6_SRF)
Contemporary International Politics (DSS_6_CIP)
Women, Power and Politics: Gender in Political Theory and Women in National Politics (DSS_6_WPP)
Politics and Protest (SPS_2_PPR / DSS_6_PAP)
American Politics: Ideology and Power (DSS_6_AMP)
Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution (TBA)
Contemporary Dynamics of the World System (TBA)
LSS: Law
Criminal Law (LAW_5_CRI)
Alternative Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice (LAW_5_ADR)
Gender Justice and the Law (LAW_5_GJL)
Jurisprudence – Law and Politics (LAW_5_JLP)
Medical Law & Ethics (LAW_5_MLE)
Regulatory Principles of Entertainment & Media Law (LAW_5_RPE)
Sentencing, Crime and Punishment (LAW_5_SCP)
European Human Rights (LLB_3_EHR / LAW_6_EHR)
Civil Rights and The State (LLB_3_CVS / LAW_6_CRS)
International Protection of Human Rights (LLB_3_IPH / LAW_6_IHR)
Relationships and their Financial Consequences (LAW_6_RFC)
The Law Project (LAW_6_LP2)
Introduction to the Law of Contract and Tort (LAW-4-ICT)
Civil Litigation (LAW_6_CIV)
Analysis of Evidence – The Science of Proof (LAW_6_AOE)
Mediation and Negotiation Skills (LAW_6_MNS)
Civil Rights and the Individual (LAW_6_CRI)
Land Law (LAW_6_LAL)
LSS: Education
Constructing Childhood (EDU_4_CNC)
Study Skills for Education (EDU_4_SSE)
What is Education (EDU_4_EDS)
What is Education? (EDU_4_EDS)
Barriers to Learning (EDU_4_BLT)
Community, Family and Children (EDU_4CFC)
Developing Mathematical Thinking (EDU_4_DMT)
Equality, Culture and Citizenship (EDU_5_ECC)
Introduction to Technology and Education (EDU_5_ITE)
Assessment in Education (EDU_6_AIE)
Creativity in Education (EDU_6_CRE)
Contemporary Issues in Education (EDU_6_CIE)
Contextualizing Education Globally (EDU_6_CEG)
LSS: Social Science & Public Policy
State, Society and Institutions (DSS_4_SSI)
Issues In Contemporary Sociology (DSS_4_ICS)
Exploring Human Geographies (UEL_4_EHG)
Geographical Investigations (UEL_4_GIN)
Global Governance, Religionalism and the Nation State (TBA)
Human Geographies of London (UEL_4_HGL)
Industry, Empire and Society: Britain 1750-1900 (DSS_4_IES)
Making Sustainable Places (UEL_4_MSP)
The Sociological Imagination: Understanding Society & Social Action (DSS_4_TSI)
Society, Space and Place (UEL_4_SSC)
Researching Social Life (DSS_4_RSL)
Researching London Life (DSS_4_RLL)
Social and Political Problems (DSS_4_SPP)
Social Research Methods (DSS_5_SRM)
Social Research Skills 1 (DSS_5_SRS)
Social Theory and Modernity (DSS_5_STM)
Gender Difference and Equality: Historical & Contemporary Debates (DSS_5_GDE)
Introduction to the Workplace (DSS_5_IWP)
Globalization and Development: Africa and the BRIC Economies (DSS_5_GDA)
Gender, Justice & the Law (LAW-5-GJL-1)
Interpreting Society: Qualitative Methods in Social Research (DSS_5_ISQ)
Exploring British Attitudes: Quantitative Methods in Social Research (DSS_5_EBA)
Gender Sexualities and Society (DSS_5_GSS)
Gender, Difference and Society (DSS_5_GDE)
The Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change (DSS_5_TES)
The Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change (DSS_5_TES)
Making Identities: Citizenship, Race & Nation (DSS_5_MIC)
Qualitative Methods in Social Research (DSS_5_ISQ)
Religion and Society – DSS_6_RAS0
Sustainability: Agents for Change (DSS_6_SAC)
Race, Culture & Identity (DSS_6_RCI)
Sociology for the 21st Century (DSS_6_SFC)
LSS: Tourism & Hospitality
Leisure and Consumption (UEL_4_LAC)
Management and Leadership ( UEL_4_MLS)
Entertainment and Events Industry ( UEL_4_EEI)
Events Law and Contract Management ( UEL_4_LCM)
Fundamentals of Hospitality (UEL_4_FOH)
Hospitality and Food Issues ( UEL_4_HFI)
Markets and Marketing (UEL_4_MAM)
Geographies of Tourism (UEL_4_GTO)
Tourism and Travel Industry and Impacts (UEL_4_TTI)
Management and Leadership (UEL_4_MLS)
Hospitality Design (UEL_5_HDE)
Hospitality Operations (UEL_5_HSO)
Tourism in the Global South (UEL_5_TGS)
Events Strategy and Planning (UEL_5_ESP)
Business and Enterprise Management (UEL_5_BEM)
Travel Distribution (UEL_5_TRD)
Strategies, Visions and Design (UEL_5_SVD)
Hospitality & Food Operations UEL_5_HFO)
Hospitality Design and Merchandising (UEL_5_HDM)
Events Logistics (UEL_5_ELG)
Events Logistics and Operations (UEL_5_EVL)
Destination Planning and Management (UEL_5_DPM)
Leisure and Entertainment Operations UEL_5_LEO)
Trends in Food and Beverage (UEL_5_TFB)
Tourism in Less Developed Countries UEL_5_TLD)
Destination Marketing UEL_6_DMR)
Current Issues in Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure UEL_6_CTH)
Heritage Management UEL_6_HPM)
International Hospitality Operations (PTM_3_IHO / UEL_6_IHO)
Tourism, Leisure and Economic Development UEL_6_TLE)
Human Resources and Quality Management UEL_6_HRQ)
Mass Media Music and Society (UEL_6_MMS)
LSS: Urban Environment & Housing
Explanations in Housing Histories (UEL_4_EHH)
Geographical Investigations (UEL_4_GIN)
Human Geographies of London (UEL_4_HGL)
Town Planning as an Art (UEL_4_TPA)
Society & Welfare (UEL_4_SAW)
Exploring Human Geographies (UEL_4_EXG)
Housing in Context (UEL_4_HIC)
Funding Social Housing (UEL_4_FSH)
Planning History and Principles (UEL_4_PHP)
Producing the Built Environment (UEL_4_PBE)
Law for Housing Professionals (UEL_4_LHP)
Geographical Information Systems (UEL_4_GIS)
Town Planning as an Art (UEL_4_TPA)
Law and Development Management (UEL_4_LDM)
Developing Sustainable Housing (UEL_4_DSH)
Housing Management & Maintenance (UEL_5_HMM)
Development Process and Finance (UEL_5_DPF)
Environmental Management and Climate Change (UEL_5_EMC)
Planning, Transport & Mobility (UEL_5_PTM)
Policy Evaluation and Research (UEL_5_PER)
Housing Development (UEL_5_HDV)
Policy Development and Evaluation 1 (UEL_5_PD1)
Policy Development and Evaluation 2 (UEL_5_PD2)
Organisations (UEL_5_ORG)
Economic Geographies (UEL_5_ EGE)
Housing Economics (UEL_6_HEC)
Advanced Housing Law (UEL_6_AHL)
Housing and Regeneration in Developing Countries (UEL_6_HDC)
Hallmark Events Strategy and Policy (UEL_6_HES)
Planning Law and Policy (UEL_6_PLP)
Planning Specialism Project (UEL_6_PSP)
Managing the New Housing (UEL_6_MNH)
Neighbourhood Management & Renewal (UEL_6_NMR)
Strategic Spatial Planning (UEL_6_SSP)
Cities, Representations and Planning (UEL_6_CRP)
Cities and Representations (UEL_6_CAR)
Design and Property Development (UEL_7_DPD)
Housing and Regeneration (UEL_7_HAR)
Planning Law in Practice (UEL_7_PPR)
Professional Profile (TBD)
The Making of Place (UEL_7_TMP)
Learning from Best Practice in Spatial Planning (UEL_7_LSP)
Planning, Politics and Theory (UEL_7_PPT)
Transitioning Into Practice (UEL_7_TIP)
Urban Design Project (UEL_7_UDP)
Urban Design: From Theory to Practice (UEL_7_URP)
Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobilities (UEL_7_SIM)
Sustainable Places (UEL_7_SPL)
Credit and transcript for courses are awarded by London South Bank University (accredited in UK) and Lincoln University of Pennsylvania (accredited in USA).
London South Bank University (LSBU), established in 1892, is the oldest, largest and most diverse university in London. The University is regarded for its academic standards, practical curriculum, research, expert faculty and community outreach. The campus is situated in central London, a short walk from many of London’s major landmarks.
The Learning Centre contains a wide array of facilities for staff and students, from free computer access to specialist engineering facilities.
Perry Library provides LSBU students with access to a wide range of books, journal articles and other specialist materials they will need to complete their studies.
The Clarence Centre for Enterprise and Innovation is LSBU’s hub of entrepreneurial activity and home to a variety of start-ups and local businesses.
The academic terminology in the UK is different from that used in the USA. Below are some examples. View video comparing terminology by an American student studying in the UK.
UK | USA |
Unit / Module | Course |
Subject | Units/modules belonging to an academic concentration. (Ex. business, psychology, etc.) |
Course | Degree program (Ex. BA in Business) |
Faculty | School or College (Ex. Faculty of Business) |
Time Table | Class schedule |