Semester & Academic Year
The semester and academic year curriculum offers a wide selection of courses in diverse academic disciplines. Most courses are taught at Griffith College Dublin (GCD). Music and Drama courses are taught at Leinster School of Music. Sound Production courses are taught at Pulse College (Windmill Lane Recording Studios) affiliated with GCD.
The normal load is 4 courses per semester. Students may enroll in a 5th course with approval from KEI. The Irish History & Culture course is required. Internships are available to qualified students.
Use the the Course Offerings file (in the Download Files box) to select courses. Select a subject area (below) and click a course title to download syllabus. If a syllabus is not available, contact KEI and we will request a syllabus from Griffith College.
Required Course
Business & Economics
BAAFH-FDA Financial Data Analysis
BAAFH-FDA Financial Data Analysis
BAAFH-FMA Financial Management and Analysis
BAAFH-FWM Finance and Wealth Management
BAAFH-ICR International Corporate Reporting
BAAFH-PM Performance Management
BAAFH-VSA Valuations and Securities Analysis
BAAFH-BCL Business and Company Law
BABH-BLE Business Law and Ethics
BABH-PMIE Principles of Microeconomics
BABH-PMAE Principles of Macroeconomics
BABH-MF Marketing Fundamentals
BABH-CGPE Corporate Governance and Professional Ethics
BABH-BSA Business Systems Analysis
BABH-DCCE Digital Communications
BABH-IE Introduction to Entrepreneurship
BABH-GBE Global Business Environment
BABH-CBMC 21st Century Branding and Marketing Communications
BABH-SNSM Selling Negotiation and Sales Management
BABH-GM Global Marketing
BABH-ER Employee Relations
BABH-MOB Managing Organisational Behaviour
BABO-OPM Operations and Project Management
BABSH-MIC Microeconomics
BABSH-BM Business Management
BABSH-QAB Quantitative Analysis for Business
BABSH-FA Financial Accounting
BABSH-OB Organisational Behaviour
BABSH-M Marketing
BABSH-OM Operations Management
BABSH-AIM Accounting Information for Managers
BABSH-FM Financial Management
BABSH-SM1 Strategic Management 1
BABSH-IH International Human Resource Management
BABSH-SM Sales Management
BABSH-PM Project Management
BABSH-CGA Corporate Governance and Accountability
BABSH-IM International Marketing
BABSH-IMC Integrated Marketing Communications
BABSH-MAC Macroeconomics
BABSH-LAB Legal Aspects of Business
BABSH-BIS Business Information Systems
BABSH-EI Enterprise and Innovation
BABSH-IBE International Business Environment
BABSH-BMM Brand Management
BABSH-SCM Supply Chain Management
BABSH-AA Audit and Assurance
BABSH-CB Consumer Behaviour
BABSH-AFM Advanced Financial Management
BAIHH-FA Financial Accounting
BAIHH-IT Information Technology Skills
BAIHH-POE Principles of Economics
BAIHH-PPD Personal and Professional Development
BAIHH-MMR Marketing Management and Research
BAIHH-HRM Human Resource Management
BAIHH-RDM Rooms Division Management
BAIHH-MA Management Accounting
BAIHH-FRHM Finance and Revenue Management for Hospitality Managers
BAIHH-CEM Conference and Events Management
BAIHH-CIH Contemporary Issues in Hospitality
BAMO-ILE Introduction to Law and Ethics
BAMO-IBL Introduction to Business Law
BAMO-SMM Strategic Marketing Management
BAMO-BF Business Finance
BAMO-MRP Market Research Practice
BAMO-PE Principles of Economics
BAMO-IM International Marketing
BAMO-CP Career Planning
BAMO-DM Digital Marketing
MSCIB-LMD Leadership and Management Development
MSCIB-DT Digital Transformation
MSCIB-EI Entrepreneurial Innovation
MSCIB-GM Global Marketing
MSCIB-IS International Strategy
Communications: Film & Video Production
BACO-IP Introduction to Photography
BACMH-P1: Photography 1
BACMH-P2 Photography 2
BAMCH-FS Film Studies
BAFTP-VFT VFX for Film and Television
BAJH-IV Introduction to Video
BAFTP-ISPP Industry Skills and Professional Practice (film)
BAFTP-TSP TV Studio Principles
BAJH-VP1 Video Production 1
BAJH-VP2 Video Production II
BAJH-F Film Studies
BAPO-WS Ways of Seeing
BAPO-VM Visual Methodologies
BAJH-PI Politics of the Image
GCD-MCT Mass Communication Theory
GCD-AT Applications Technology
BAFTP-DP Digital Photography
BAFTP-LC Location Sound
GCD-PDFT Production & Direction for Film and Television
BAFTP-TSP TV Studio Principles
BAFTS-FTVH Film & TV History
BAFTS-WSS Writing Skills for Screen
BACMH-19 Video Storytelling 2
Digital Cinematography
Film and Televisual Culture I
Online Screen Media
Advanced Audio and Postproduction Sound
Applied Digital Cinematography
Advanced Screenwriting
Contemporary Film and Television
Digital Editing for Film and Television
Film & Televisual Culture II
Production and Direction for Film and Television II
Advanced VFX
Film and Visual Culture
Advanced Cinematography
Advanced Digital Editing
Advanced Postproduction Sound
Image Mastering and Grading
Screenwriting for Features and Television
Communications: Journalism & Media
BACMH-DOSM Digital Online and Social Media Production
BACMH-BM Business of Media
BACMH-RP1 Radio Production 1
BACMH-RP2 Radio Production 2
BACMH-MRE Media Reporting and Editing
BACMH-CP2 Contemporary Politics 2
BACMH-MSY Media Sociology
BACH-TWP Thinking, Writing & Presenting
BAJH-IWJ Introduction to Writing Journalism
BAJH-IV Introduction to Video
BAJH-IDM Introduction to Digital Media
BAJH-UA Understanding Audiences: Media Marketing
BAJH-CSPS Contemporary Society and Political Systems
BAJH-VC Visual Communication
BAJH-RE Reporting and Editing
BAJH-SM Sociology of the Media
BAPO-WS Ways of Seeing
BAPO-VM Visual Methodologies
BAJH-IRPM Introduction to Print Media
BAJH-WPS Writing and Presentation Skills
BAJH-IODM Introduction to Online and Digital Media
BAJH-IP Introduction to Photography
BAJH-US Understanding Society
BAJH-AP Advanced Photography
BAJH-MKT Media Marketing
BAJH-CYS Contemporary Society
BAJH-RJ Radio Journalism
BAJH-LGD Layout and Graphic Design
BAJH-RFW Reporting and Feature Writing
BAJH-MSY Modern Society
BAJH-DP Digital Photography
BAJH-CF Conflict Reporting
BAJH-P Publishing
BAJH-SJ Sport Journalism
BAJH-CW Creative Writing
BACMH-CW1 Creative Writing 1
BACMH-CW2 Creative Writing 2
BACMH-WG Writing for Games
BAJH-PR Public Relations
BAJH-BJ Business Journalism
BAJH-SD Shorthand
BAJH-PI Politics of the Image
GCD-MCT Mass Communication Theory
TBC Political Communication
BAJH-MED Media Studies
BAJH-MLE Media Law and Ethics
BAJH-HM History of Media
BAJH-PH Photojournalism
BAJH-IR Introduction to Radio
BAJH-CP Commercial Photography
BAJH-HAP History of Art and Photography
BAJH-IJ Investigative Journalism
BAJH-NMP Newspaper and Magazine Production
BAJH-RM Research Methods
BAJH-AIJ Advanced Investigative Journalism
BAJH-OJ Online Journalism
BAJH-TV TV Journalism
BAJH-RCS Media Research and Cultural Studies
BAJH-WD Web Design
BAJH-NMPIJ Newspaper Media Production and Investigative Journalism
BAJH-IJ2 Investigative Journalism 2
BAJH-SJ Sports Journalism
BAJO-UN Understanding Narratives
BAJO-WAC Writing for Arts and Culture
BACMH-CH Communications History
Computer Science & Software Engineering
BSCH-CP Computer Programming
BSCH-FC Foundations of Computing
BSCH-ITS IT in Society
BSCH-BIS Business Information Systems
BSCH-CH Computer Hardware
BSCH-SS Systems Software
BSCH-OOD Object Orienated Development
BSCH-SAD Systems Analysis and Design
BSCH-PS Probability and Statistics
BSCH-RD Relational Databases
BSCH-HGP HCI and GUI Programming
BSCH-NBC Networks and Data Communications
BSCH-IDF Introduction to Formal Design
BSCH-PP Programming Paradigms
BSCH-CPG Concurrent Programming
BSCH-ANT Advanced Network Theory
BSCH-GD Games Development
BSCH-CG Computer Graphics
BSCH-MBD Managing Big Data
BSCH-DSA Data Structures and Algorithms
BSCH-LA Linear Algebra
BSCO-GP Group Project
BSCH-AI Artificial Intelligence
BSCH-FS Formal Specifications
BSCH-SWD Server Side Web Development
BSCH-CWD Client Side Web Development
BSCH-SAD1 Systems Analysis and Design
BSCH-ELD Effective Learning and Development
BSCH-DS Distributed Systems
BSCH-WD Web Development
BSCO-NED New Enterprise Development
BSCO-ET Emerging Technologies
BSCO-PIN Practical Networking
BACTH-3DMG 3D Modeling for Games
BSCH-OSD Operating System Design
BSCH-SD1 Software Development 1
BSCH-SSWD Server-Side Web Development
BSCO-WT Web Technologies
Creative Technologies & Digital Arts
BACTH-IA Introduction to Audio
BACTH-PPG Procedural Programming and Generation
BACTH-STA Shaders and Technical Art
BACTH-UIDI UI Design and Implementation
BACTH-IPIntroduction to Programming
BACTH-2ADA 2D Art, Design and Animation
BACTH-3DMG 3D Modelling for Games
BACTH-GT Game Theory
Criminology & Law
LLBH-LT Law of Torts I
LLBH-CL1 Constitutional Law I
LLBH-LC1 Law of Contracts I
BABLH-ILS1 Introduction to Law
LLBH-CRL1 Criminal Law I
LLBH-LL1 Land Law I
LLBH-E&T1 Equity and Trusts I
LLBH-EL Employment Law
LLBH-IHRL International Human Rights Law
LLBH-CMLL Commercial Law
LLBH-ADMIN Administration Law
LLBH-COM1 Company Law I
LLBH-JRSP1 Jurisprudence I
LLBH-REV Revenue Law
LLBH-M Media Law
LLBH-HRL Human Rights Law
LLBH-LT2 Law of Torts II
LLBH-CL2 Constitutional Law II
LLBH-LC2 Law of Contracts II
LLBH-CRL2 Criminal Law II
LLBH-LL2 Land Law II
LLBH-E&T2 Equity and Trusts II
LLBH-CY Criminology
LLBH-LE Law of Evidence
LLBH-COM2 Company Law II
LLBH-JRSP2 Jurisprudence II
LLBH-FLW Family Law
LLBH-ITPY Intellectual Property
BABLH-ER Employee Relations and Law
LLBH-PIL Public International Law
Design & Architecture
BAIAH-HID History of Interior Design
BAIDO-DP Design Principles
BAIDO-BIM Introduction to BIM
CAD-CSP1 Creative Studio Projects 1
CAD-FDT 2D Freehand Drawing Techniques
CAD-DDT Digital Design Tools 1
BAFDH-DG1 Design Graphics 1
BAFDH-DF Design Futures
Digital Design Tools 2
Design Graphics 2
3D Freehand Drawing Techniques
Visual Culture and Theory
Computer-Aided Design
Design Culture and Theory
Digital Design Tools 2
Photography and Video
AIDO-CS Computer Studies I
BAIDO-AND Analytical Drawing I
BAIDO-AD Architectural Drawing I
BAIDO-SP1 Interior Spatial Projects 1
BAIDO-EA Ergonomics and Anthropometrics
BAIDO-IBE Ergonomics and Space Planning
BAIDO-HDA1 History of Design and Architecture I
BAIDO-IBE Introduction to the Built Environment
Fashion: Design, Illustration & Business
BAIDO-DP Design Principles
BAIDO-BIM Introduction to BIM
CAD-CSP1 Creative Studio Projects 1
CAD-FDT 2D Freehand Drawing Techniques
CAD-DDT Digital Design Tools 1
BAFDH-DG1 Design Graphics 1
BAFDH-DF Design Futures
Digital Design Tools 2
Design Graphics 2
BAFDH-TBF1 The Business of Fashion
BAFDH-CSF Contextual Studies for Fashion
BAFDH-BM Brand and Marketing
Textile Theory
Fashion Design 1
Fashion Design 2
Fashion Design 3
Fashion Design 4
Garment Construction 1
Garment Construction 2
Garment Construction 3
Garment Construction 4
History of Fashion
Visual Culture and Theory
Fashion Illustration
Digital Fashion Portfolio 1
Music, Drama & Sound Production
Music & Drama
Music and drama courses are taught at Leinster School of Music. Leinster is affiliated with Griffith College Dublin and located on the same campus. Most music and drama courses run for 15 contact hours and equivalent to 1 semester credit. A tutorial fee of 650 Euro applies for each music and drama course since class sessions are one-on-one with the instructor. The tutorial fee is in addition to the regular KEI program fee.
DRA-PS Public Speaking
DRA-SD Speech and Drama
DRA-EC Effective Communication
MUS-MT Musical Theater
DRA-SA Solo Acting
DRA-D Duologues
DRA-GD Group Drama
MUS-TM Theory of Music
MUS-S Sight Singing
MUS-G Guitar
MUS-P Piano
MUS-V Violin
MUS-F Flute
MUS-C Clarinet
MUS-R Recorder
MUS-HA Harpsichord
MUS-JP Jazz Piano
MUS-O Oboe
MUS-OR Organ
MUS-S Saxophone
MUS-C Cello
MUS-VI Viola
MUS-OR Orchestra
MUS-CO Composition
MUS-HA Harmony
Sound Production & Technology
Sound production courses are taught at Pulse College in partnership with Griffith College. Pulse College is based at the famous Windmill Lane Recording Studios (home to artists such as U2, Ed Sheeran, AC/DC and Lady Gaga). Students may enroll in up to 2 production courses per semester. Many courses require prerequisite knowledge and skills.
Music Technology 1
Applications Technology 1
Recording Studio Principles
Music for Producers 1
Live Music and Performance Technology 1
Computer Basics for Audio Visual Workstations
Sound Reinforcement
Sound Design and Foley FX1
Music Technology 2
Applications Technology 2
Music for Producers 2
Recording and Mixing 1
Live Music and Performance Technology 2
Sound Reinforcement 2
Sound Design and Creative Processing
Mixing and Mastering
Studio Design and Setup
Recording and Mixing 2
Audio Post Production Techniques
Sound Design for Games
Applications of Music Theory
ePortfolio and Online Promotion
BAMPH-CLAA Critical Listening and Audio Analysis
BAMPH-HMP History of Music Production
BAMPH-TMI The Music Industry
Applications of Psychology in Music
BAMPH-SP Sound for Performance
BAMPH-EM Explorations in Music
Music and Image
BAMPH-BDM Business of Digital Media
Composition for Visual Media
Interactive Audio 1
Interactive Audio 2
BAMPH-RM Research Methods
BAMPH-PP Professional Practice
BAMPH-SDI Studio Design & Installation
Tourism & Hospitality
BAIHH-HO1 Hospitality Operations 1
BAIHH-IHM International Hospitality Management
BAIHH-BMHM Business Mathematics for Hospitality Managers
BAIHH-AFM Accommodation and Facilities Management
BAIHH-PPD Personal and Professional Development
BAIHH-HL Hospitality Law
BAIHH-TS Tourism Studies
BAIHH-SHM Strategic Hospitality Management
BAIHH-ITTH International Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
BAIHH-ILM International Leisure Service Management
BAIHM-QMB Quantitative Methods for Business
BAIHM-BCIT Business Communications and IT
BAIHM-FBM Food and Beverage Management
BAIHH-ITH International Human Resource Management
BAIHH-BP1 Business Policy I
BAIHH-ISM International Services Marketing
BAIHH-HO2 Hospitality Operations II
BAIHM-IHMN International Hospitality Management
BAIHM-FA Financial Accounting
BAIHM-PSM Principles of Services Marketing
BAIHM-HRM Human Resource Management
BAIHM-MMR Marketing Management and Research
BAIHM-MIS Managing Information Systems and E-Business
BAIHM-RDM Rooms Division Management
BAIHM-CEM Conference and Event Management
BAIHM-ENV Global Tourism and the Environment
Internships allow students to learn from practical experience not attainable in a classroom setting. Internships are 3 credits. Most companies/organizations require a commitment of 30 hours per week. In addition to the internship, students can enroll in up to 4 courses per semester (although KEI recommends only 3 courses). Placement is based on professional interests. Positions are available in business, marketing, graphic design, communications, law, public relations, hospitality, humanitarian aid, photography, journalism and media. Below is a list of possible placements. Actual placement may be at a different company or organization.
Extreme Event Ireland Ltd
Magazines Ireland Ltd
Haddington Education
Innocence Project
The Little Museum of Dublin
For more information, download:
Griffith College uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Most courses at Griffith College are 6 to 8 ECTS credits. As a general rule, 1 ECTS credit is equivalent to .5 semester credits in the USA. For example, a course at Griffith College that is assigned 6 ECTS is equivalent to 3 semester credits in the USA.
Credit and transcripts issued by Griffith College Dublin (accredited in Ireland) and Lincoln University (accredited in USA)
Griffith College Dublin, established in 1974, is Ireland’s premier independent college. The College consists of five faculties offering undergraduate and graduate-level courses to 7,000 students from more than 50 countries. Griffith is known for its excellent academic standards, small class sizes, focus on professional development and expert professors. The school enjoys a strong national and a growing international reputation. Griffith College is housed in a series of historic buildings, located on a 7-acre campus, within Dublin city center.
The curriculum at GCD is based on the British system. As such, some of the academic terminology is different from that used in the USA. Below are some examples.
British | USA |
Module | Course |
Subject | Degree program. (Ex. BA in business) |
Faculty | Department, school or college. (Ex. faculty of business) |