RUSSIA: Moscow


Semester & Academic Year

The semester and academic year curriculum offers courses and independent study. Courses and independent study are offered at Moscow State University (MSU). Students can enroll in a maximum of 19 credits per semester. The Russian Studies Seminar is required. Russian language courses are recommended and taught intensively for a total of 9 credits (may be expanded to 15 credits with permission from KEI). All other courses are 3 credits.

This page lists Russian language and elective courses taught in English. Students with advanced language proficiency can also enroll in courses taught in Russian (contact KEI for course list). Click on a course title to view the description and download syllabus.

Russian Language & Culture

Russian Language courses are taught using the immersion method. In general, 3 to 4 modules (Grammar, Conversation, Reading/Writing and Phonetics/Listening) make up each Russian Language course. Classes are held every day, Monday through Friday (and possibly on Saturday). Students take an evaluation exam at the start of the program to determine level of proficiency and course placement.

RUS 101 Beginner Russian Language
RUS 102 Elementary Russian Language
RUS 201 Pre-Intermediate Russian Language
RUS 202 Intermediate Russian Language
RUS 303 Upper-Intermediate Russian Language
RUS 404 Advanced Russian Language
RUS/ART/LIT/SOC/HIS/POL/ECO 381 Russian Studies Seminar (Required)
LIT 223 Russian Literature
HIS 371 Russian History
XXX 420 Independent Study with Faculty

Business, Law & Diplomacy

BUS/ECO/POL 342 Political Economy of Russia
BUS/ECO 534 Russian Business Practice
POL 335 Russian Political System
COM/POL/BUS 340 Media, Russia Politics & Business
POL 435 Legal Structure in Russia

Internships & Community Service

Internships (for-credit) and community service (not-for-credit) allow students to learn from practical experience not attainable in a classroom setting. Internships require a commitment of 120-240 hours (36 credits). Service does not have a minimum requirement. Placement is based on availability and professional interests. Previous placements include Kremlin Hospital, Expedition Ltd., Niola Press, World Youth Alliance, Shalemch & Gonchurov Group and Center for Interethnic Cooperation. Actual placement may be with a different organization. Positions are available in business, law and humanitarian aid.

Due to the economic recession in Russia, many organizations are unable to accept interns. Although KEI will make every effort to secure an internship, placement cannot be guaranteed.

For more information, download:

Experiential Learning Guide
Internship syllabus


Credit and transcripts are issued by Moscow State University (accredited in Russia), University at Albany, State University of New York (accredited in USA) or Lincoln University of Pennsylvania (accredited in USA) .


Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), founded in 1755, has a long-standing tradition of academic excellence. It is the top scientific and educational institution in Russia, and one of the leading universities in the world. MSU has a history of distinguished professors and researchers, including Nobel and Fields Medal Laureates.