Reviews & Testimonials


Student Fulfills Lifelong Dream During Study Abroad Program

About the Author

Marysol Cuadrado wasn’t going to let scoliosis stop her from seeing one of the seven wonders of the world.

The Cal Poly Pomona senior sociology student not only ventured to South America via the Peru Summer 2018 Faculty-Led Study Abroad program, she navigated the ancient stairs of Machu Picchu 7,972 feet above sea level.

Cuadrado spent nine days in Peru, visiting both Lima and Cuzco, during a study abroad course in collaboration with the Kellogg Honors College led by CPP professors Suketu Bhavsar and Kent Dickson. Participants studied Peruvian history and culture courtesy of visits to places like the famous city in the mountains constructed by the Incas in the 1400s.

There was some initial concern about Cuadrado’s ability to participate in certain activities on the trip given the neuromuscular disorder that causes weakness in her arms and legs.

“I do believe that it would be amazing for people with disabilities to experience this,” Cuadrado said. “But I also know the insecurities of thinking it’s not possible.”

“A guide was arranged to accompany Marysol alone at Machu Picchu and she was able to walk the whole site with his help despite staircases and many ups and downs, thus fulfilling one of her lifelong dreams,” Dickson said. “Of course there are many other things to say, but this was an especially successful aspect of the planning for which we were grateful.”

The plans to accommodate Cuadrado’s disability allowed her to participate in all aspects of the trip and made the travel easier.

“I was very pleased and very impressed with how Marysol was accommodated at every stage of the trip,” Bhavsar said, “from hotel rooms that were more convenient for her, as well as her transportation at times using taxis while we walked, and other small bits of miscellaneous assistance.”

About the AuthorPolyCentric Editor
PolyCentric is Cal Poly Pomona’s communications hub. The online publication features breaking news, announcements, events and more. PolyCentric is also the online face of the Office of Public Affairs, the university’s central communications office.

Above & Beyond

Dillon Quitugua

Hello Mr. Mandell,

I had the supreme pleasure of studying abroad through the Knowledge Exchange Institute in Bangkok, Thailand. The Onsite Director, Marisa, had gone above and beyond as a mentor, director and friend. She has had left an everlasting impression on my time there as a student. When I reflect on my time in Thailand, I feel deeply grateful for my experience that I couldn’t have had without KEI.

I recently returned to Thailand. I returned not as a tourist, but as a medical evacuee who got sick serving in the Peace Corps in Nepal and seeking treatment in Bangkok.

When Marisa learned of my arrival, she had once again filled the shoes as a friend, mentor and guide and had come to help me as an Alumnus of KEI. Her support has been greatly appreciated in my time of vulnerability. When you’re sick and far from home, sometimes a friendly face can act as medicine too.

The purpose of this letter is to highlight that KEI has certainly changed my life, and has forged everlasting bonds with the people who I would not have met if it weren’t for KEI.

Thank you for your organization, for your continued great work, and for Marisa.

With pleasure,
KEI alumnus

Dillon Quitugua
Soren Norman

The program was amazing beyond any expectation. The Onsite Director was welcoming and very helpful. The accommodation was beautiful, the campus was easy to navigate and courses were intriguing.

Soren NormanNew Mexico Institute of Technology & Mining
Nicole Bellamy

I had an overall great time in Australia. I had some issues at first, but they were sorted by the program in time. Housing ended up being amazing and the Onsite Director was the best.

Nicole BellamyMarist College
Sean Snyder

I enjoyed Griffith University – Gold Coast academically. I was a bit worried about coming from a very small college that this big University would be very intimidating. This was not the case. GUGC was a compact campus and the class size was not too much bigger than my home university. I never felt overwhelmed by the size of the school. View my videos: Melbourne, Milford Sound, Quicksilver Pro Surfing and Byron Bay.

Sean SnyderWest Virginia Weslyan University
Ruby Hernandez

I have been having the best time ever! We are currently in Sydney [on a KEI excursion] and it’s a lot of fun! I can’t wait to see what else is planned for us because there are a lot of things in the Gold Coast that I want to explore! I’ve gotten pretty close with Kate, also from KEI,  and other semester in Australia students. It’s been fun meeting new people and integrating into Australian culture! Ann [KEI Director] is GREAT & we are so glad to have her be our “mom” here!

Ruby HernandezSaginaw Valley State University
James Dummer

My post college success is in great part attributed to KEI.  I not only studied and interned abroad in Beijing, I also interned with KEI in the USA after my program.  Studying and interning in Beijing was one of the wildest and most noteworthy accomplishments in my years at Saginaw Valley State University. Not only did I gain knowledge in the classroom, I also gained real-world work experience from my internship at Pte. Systems – an aviation consulting firm for fixed-wing single engine airplanes and helicopters. KEI organized it all. I was lucky enough to be offered an internship position with KEI while I settled back into the post graduate life and started seeking a full-time job.  I got the chance to gain experience, work with a lot of great people/students, and make some money.  I was also fortunate to make some great contacts which provided me with excellent references to pave the way to my current career.  In my opinion; studying abroad and working abroad really helped me jump off the page whilst searching for a career after graduation.  I do not think I would be where I am today without KEI, and I am excited to see where my future leads.

James DummerSaginaw Valley State University
Monty McGee

My experience in China was truly life changing. There is no better way to increase one’s understanding of a complex country like China than to study and intern abroad. Living in Beijing for a semester, meeting students from China and around the world, and studying the culture and language of a rising global superpower was the best experience of my life. I was the first African American many Chinese had come in contact with. Many wondered whether I was a musician or athlete. On a number of occasions I found myself at the center of public attention. Mothers and fathers nudging their young toward me while gesturing a request for pictures. This was truly a unique position to be in, at times I felt almost like a celebrity. Overall, there is nothing I would change about my KEI experience in China.

Monty McGeeNorfolk State University
Nicholas Lara

Since I studied in Beijing through KEI in 2001, it’s been one whirlwind of a world tour. It sure has paid off deciding to study in China. I’ve been working in China since 2006. I recently changed industries from construction to global logistics where I preformed key account and project management duties. The whole experience has been rather successful. Contact me if you would like to ask questions about living and working in Beijing. My email is

Nicholas LaraSaddleback College
Robert Brady

Most definitely the time of my life! I couldn’t ask for anything better. I learned a lot about China through the business courses and field trips. In Shanghai we visited the French Concession where I stood in the room where the first Communist meeting was held in secret. You get chills when you take a step back and think about what has actually happened. Nanjing, Sanzhou, Hanzhou, and Wuxi were equally as impressive and impressionable. To get a history lesson in the place it happened is priceless.

Robert BradyAuburn University
Cassandra Hardin

I am really enjoying Beijing and have settled into life here very well. The accommodations in our dorm are very comfortable. Chinese language classes started last week and have been very challenging so far. I am really looking forward to this new semester with KEI. Thanks again for all your attention to this program and to me. View my video …about Chinawith Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Cassandra HardinUniversity of Kentucky
Zeng Lin

In many ways, this program helped me become more independent as a person. I have gained many real-life experiences by interacting with Chinese business people and many other students. I want to thank KEI for giving me this opportunity, and supporting me in every way.

Zeng LinRider University
Marcel Wong

How would you compare the KEI programs in Beijing, China and Akita, Japan?

Overall, I really enjoyed having the opportunity to study in both countries. It made me more open-minded. Learning about different cultures and perspectives from international students who come from different countries and backgrounds across the world was enlightning.

The University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) is located in central Beijing. Access to restaurants, supermarkets, and other entertainment was convenient since they were within walking distances. Dormitories were nice but assistance from UIBE staff could be improved. Courses were taught well by professors and they were very approachable and friendly. My co-workers at the company whenre I did my internship were also friendly and cooperative.

Akita International University (AIU) is located farther from the city center, so access to restaurants, supermarkets and other entertainment was more challenging. The bus was the cheapest way to get around, but they had set times making them less convenient. AIU is smaller than UIBE and felt more organized. The staff was also very helpful. There was a lot more nature around AIU compared to UIBE which was quite nice. Courses were taught well by professors and they were very approachable and friendly too. It was awesome learning to speak Japanese.

Being able to visit the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Tokyo Skytree, Fushimi Inari Srhine and other famous attractions (on KEI excursions) in both countries was super fun! Thank you (KEI) for all your help.

Marcel WongUniversity of Houston
Ally Konarzewski

Being immersed in the culture of Costa Rica has been an amazing experience. NAU’s advisor, as well as the local staff, have been extremely welcoming and helpful throughout my time here. I absolutely love my host family. My host siblings speak enough English that they are able to help me translate when necessary, but I have been making them stick to Spanish as much as possible. The speed of speaking here is still something I am catching up to, but I can confidently say that I understand MUCH more than when I first arrived. My professors are phenomenal and the classroom environment has been even greater than I had hoped for. Our class sizes are tiny and we have all developed strong relationships with each other, the professors, and the program advisors. My Spanish has improved immensely, especially in terms of my grammar, thus far.

Ally KonarzewskiWilliam Woods University
Daniella Laplante

I have now been in Costa Rica for two weeks. My Spanish professor is great and I have learned more Spanish in two weeks here than I would in a a month at home. Our Spanish class only has four people in it, so we have plenty of opportunities to practice.

Daniella LaplanteNorthern Arizona University
Kaysie Hogrefe

I’ve heard before that Costa Rica is one of the happiest places on earth. And although I have been very few places in my life time, I can’t say I’d disagree. People here are (for the most part) friendly, outgoing, and happy to talk with you.

Kaysie HogrefeNorthern Arizona University
Stephanie Morgan

Studying abroad was always a dream of mine but it seemed far fetched for a student who was supporting herselves through her studies, but then I found out about KEI. KEI offered an awesome program in the heart of London for a great price. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to explore London and other parts of Europe while earning credit towards my degree. KEI staff was helpful throughout the process of getting ready and during my stay in London. The lessons I learned in my summer abroad have changed my entire life and opened me up to the possibility of exploring more of the world. If it weren’t for KEI’s commitment to affordable and quality study abroad programs, I would never have been able to have this life changing experience. I am forever thankful to KEI for my time in London and all the good it has done for me. When I left the USA to study in London it was my first time leaving home. Now I have visited 5 continents and pursuing a masters degree abroad. Thanks, KEI!

Stephanie MorganFlorida Atlantic University
Aime Ntawukulityayo

My internship experience in London was empowering. I had never worked in environment that was so diverse: people from Ethiopia, Germany, France, etc. I loved the idea of being responsible of projects and exploring it alone. I worked on the projects and had weekly meetings with my boss to present. That was challenging and yet empowering! This internship made me realize that the city itself enhanced my work experience. The diversity of a city is crucial for me to keep growing. In London, immigrant communities contribute to a multicultural city compared to Minneapolis (where I live).

Aime NtawukulityayoAugsburg College
Joey Mansfield

I strongly believe that every experience in life is what you make it. Having the opportunity to live in London and travel Europe for six months has been nothing short of amazing! Participating in the KEI program has been a great adventure, and one that I will always cherish. The wonder of London mixed with the unique intellectuals I have become acquainted with during my time here has been a life changing experience. Thank you.

Joey MansfieldClark Atlanta University
Colin Johnson

Studying in London allowed me to experience a wide variety of cultures and see many things, all in one place. Due to the language and cultural familiarity, I think London is a good study abroad option for those who have not yet traveled abroad. I am grateful for this opportunity and your support. Read Colin’s blog.

Colin JohnsonCampbellsville University
Samantha Russell

I can’t believe the things I have experienced while being abroad. I honestly wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world. My life is forever changed because of this opportunity. I am thanking God every single day for the chances I get to take. There are so many things I will miss once I leave London.
Read my blog…

Samantha RussellWilliam Woods University
Matt Cassara

Studying at South Bank University is one of the best decisions I have made. The people, the location – everything here is great. A friend and program alum recommended this program to me, and I would definitely recommend it to my friends!

Matt CassaraMarist College
Nadia San

KEI was a wonderful and affordable program. Susannah was amazing — one of the best people I’ve met. She made my experience in London, as well as my peers’ experience, one we will never forget. Very grateful for everything KEI provided me.

Nadia SanUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Jordan Brown

I think about Paris every day and my time spent there remains to be the best memory of my life. Particularly, our day we spent in Bourgogne, eating cheese and saucisson with wine at Patrick’s lovely home and walking around Chablis with my shoes off and taking a nap next to the stream. Thank you so much for those great memories.

Jordan BrownCapital University
Perla Maldonado

Paris was a remarkable experience which I will never forget. Your time and effort made the process simple and the program enjoyable. Thank you for this opportunity.

Perla MaldonadoUniversity of Houston
Fatima Benaffane

Paris is a very diverse place which I did not think it was. People are very friendly and willing to help if you just ask politely.

Fatima BenaffaneUniversity of Houston
Gira Gomez

Parisian life is beautiful and I’m loving every moment of it. ABS is amazing as well and everyone has been extremely helpful.

Gira GomezUniversity of Houston
Shannon McGautha

The program is a great opportunity for students that are interested in International Business. Thank you for the opportunity to learn a new and interesting culture and know exactly what area of study I will be pursuing for grad school.

Shannon McGauthaTexas Southern University
Morgan Napier

My semester in Ireland was more than just an educational opportunity. It was an opportunity to immerse into a new culture, travel, and form life long friendships with people from all over the world. KEI provided the guidance and structure that I was looking for in a program, as well as preplanned trips that allowed me to see some of Ireland’s greatest treasures. KEI gives you the support and resources to explore the world and learn in ways that a classroom will never be able.

Morgan NapierUniversity of Kentucky
Chelsea Duke

Apart from missing my family, Thanksgiving in Ireland was one for the books… Although our Thanksgiving dinner was a little unorthodox, it was delicious all the same. We had a few traditional items: chicken, mashed potatoes, and vegetables. We also had a few international treats; our French friends brought miniature croque monsieu sandwiches, and my roommate made a Lebanese dish. View my video.

Chelsea DukeUniversity of Tennessee - Chattanooga
James Kleine-Kracht

I have been having a blast here in Dublin! Everything is going better than expected and I am just so glad I was able to be a part of this program. I would be honored if you read my blog.

James Kleine-KrachtUniversity of Kentucky
Emily Sciacca

Studying abroad at Griffith has brought a lot of experience that I will use for the rest of my life. I made a lot of great freinds who I can use as contacts if I decide to travel back to Europe. I am really glad I did it. View my video.

Emily SciaccaUniversity of Houston
Mary Ochiltree

Ireland was absolutely amazing! KEI did a great job making sure we were well prepared in advance and then had the outlets for support while we were there. The price was lower than any other program and it was well worth the cost! I will definitely put the word out there about the KEI program. Thanks for everything!!

Mary OchiltreeWashington State University
Amelia Metier

Things are going very well. The Onsite Director is great. I have made good friends with others in the program and I really enjoyed working at the radio station. I have a lot of free time here – I am finding ways to have fun. Thanks for all the help!

Amelia MetierUniversity of Oregon
Mark Druhet

I greatly appreciated all the calls and information from the KEI team before my departures. Also, the opportunity itself was the greatest thing I have experienced thus far. I hope to keep this relationship alive for a long time to come.

Mark DruhetUniversity of Houston
Shannon Cunningham

I studied fashion merchandising in Dublin, Ireland! I created a blog to document the awesome journeys and to share with anyone who cares to know! I traveled frequently, learned and experienced everything possible, and acquired an Irish accent 🙂

Shannon CunninghamCentral Washington University
Ryan Conboy

What I like most about Griffith is the international students. Living with a French roommate and getting to know his culture… it’s fantastic. My most memorable experience is being able to visit Hope, a small fishing village. Its one of the first things we did here as a group. The best tip I have is to be yourself and try to meet as people. Everyone is really friendly. View my video.

Ryan ConboyMarist College
Kathleen Kubek

What I like most about Griffith is the location because it is close to the city center. We have access to everywhere throughout the city. My favorite event has been surfing at Lahinch, a small town in Ireland. We got to surf and hangout with everyone. It’s just a lot of fun. View my video.

Kathleen KubekUniversity of Tennessee - Chattanooga
Janessa Gates

This weekend was another adventure in the land of the Irish. It began with my Friday history class where we walked around downtown to some of the historic buildings in Dublin including my first castle! We walked around for a few hours soaking up all the history before us. The day ended with a pregame at my place with some new German friends we met earlier in the week. We went to the pubs and danced in the streets outside of Temple Bar listening to some locals sing and play the guitar. On Saturday we woke up and started with an on-off tour of Dublin city that was prepaid by KEI. We got to see all the parks, major streets, the presidents house, Phoenix park, the train station, Dublin prison, and much more. We went into the Old Jameson Distillery on Bow Street. Read more of my blog.

Janessa GatesUniversity of Kentucky
Emma Trindel

My study abroad in Italy was one of the best experiences of my college career. Not only did I study at Instituto Europeo di Design, one of the top fashion schools in Italy, but I got to experience living in one of the fashion centers of Europe. I took the fashion stylist course with Bruno, who was an awesome teacher, knew a lot about fashion and was one of my main inspirations. For the final project we designed a photo-shoot and worked with a professional model, which was an opportunity that you would rarely get. I was surrounded by people from Italy and other countries who are serious about fashion.

Our Onsite Director was so nice! He had a great sense of humor and you could ask him anything about Italy. Each week we met up once or twice for an activity or excursion, which were all educational and fun. One of my favorite activities was Corso Como and the fashion district.

I would recommend this program for sure!

Emma TrindelSUNY Oneonta
Emma Trindel

I fully enjoyed studying abroad with KEI in Florence, Italy. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, introduced me to a different living style, food, transportation, diet, fitness, and people interactions, and most importantly, opened my eyes to what my career may be. I was influenced daily by the work ethic and lifestyle of Italian students. Having class only once per week disciplined me to create a schedule and stick to it consistently. I gave more attention to my craft and began to have healthier habits while still enjoying my time. I was able to travel around Italy with the program and experience different types of food, learn different cultural practices, and interact with students from around the world. At first, it was hard being so far from home. But after 2 weeks, I adapted to life aboard and fell in love with Florence. Calling my friends and family back home with new stories and experiences to share was amazing.

Emma TrindelClark Atlanta University
Nicole Wells

Italy was a dream come true. As a fashion capital – one of the Big Four – there were plenty of things to do. I participate in Fashion Week. It was easily one of the coolest things I’ve experienced in life so far. KEI and IED provided us with exclusive (FREE) tickets to shows for big designers, and we even had opportunities to work backstage. I also went to the Euroleague Basketball Final Four Championship, which was awesome.

Italy is also a great starting point for travel in Europe. There are several low-fare airlines that make travel inexpensive. If you do it right, you can go on a weekend trip to Paris for just 56 euro (18 euro each way, plus 20 euro for a hostel).

Professors at the Institute of European Design (IED) are phenomenal. Not only do they know their content, they actually work in the field. My photography teacher, Pierro, has been working for Armani for over a decade. Pierro is very humble, and he only disclosed that information in context, but he is Armani’s preferred photographer. The teachers also care. Pierro took time one evening to take students shopping for equipment, making sure that we got the best deals.

I always wanted to study abroad, but I did not think it was possible for me since I transferred schools and changed majors. The great thing about KEI is that the programs really offer classes that count toward your academic requirements. KEI was also very helpful, making sure to offer tips or advice throughout all stages of the process. Andrea, the Onsite Director, chose our weekly cultural activities to accommodate our different personalities so that we would each have a fantastic experience.

Studying abroad was definitely my favourite college experience, and I would recommend it to everyone.

Nicole WellsEastern Kentucky University
Brittany Wentworth

Italian for Fashion is excellent. Elissabetta, our teacher, is amazing! Made in Italy with Marco Richetti is also an excellent class. The professor took us on a couple class field trips. It is awesome being taught by legitimate professionals currently in the field.

Brittany WentworthCentral Washington University
Megan Davis

Studying abroad in Italy was the opportunity of a lifetime. I made great friends, attended a university that broadened my horizons in the fashion world and will be an experience that I will cherish forever.

Megan DavisSUNY Oneonta
Michelle Linker

I want to thank KEI for helping me and providing me with the opportunity to study abroad in Japan. It was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had, and it has inspired me in many ways to continue studying Japanese, travel even more in the future, and hopefully work overseas someday.

Michelle LinkerMarist College
Shanice Tolbert

I’m learning so much about Japanese culture. I’m trying to become involved in clubs, but it’s hard to pick one with all the options available. I also hung out with the British kids and this guy from Portugal. The Finnish students are nice too. I wanna do anything and everything. I’m really enjoying myself.

Shanice TolbertCentral Washington University
Codi Groves

My semester in Japan was amazing! The university is a great place to learn the Japanese language and offers many courses in English with Japanese students. The KEI Onsite Director really helped us adjust to life in Japan. I really loved Japan.

Codi GrovesPoint Loma Nazarene University
Tyler Arvin

Japan reminds me of home. I may be thousands of miles away from family but I’m not alone. The people on campus and in public are very nice and helpful. I’m surrounded by people who have become my friends. This was my first experience living in a dorm and I’ve enjoyed it so far. The classes are fun, interesting, and interactive. The KEI Onsite Director is great and has a wonderful personality. The excursions were amazing. To see and enjoy other aspects of Japan allowed me to appreciate my time here. I absolutely love Japan.

Tyler ArvinEastern Kentucky University
Marcel Wong

I really enjoyed having the opportunity to study abroad with KEI in China and Japan. It made me more open-minded. Learning about different cultures and perspectives from local and international students who come from different countries and backgrounds across the world was enlightening. Being able to visit the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Tokyo Skytree, Fushimi Inari Shrine and other famous attractions (on KEI excursions) in both countries was super fun! Thank you (KEI) for all your help.

Marcel WongUniversity of Houston
Nicholas Miller

To all those considering a semester abroad, I highly recommend it. There is so much to learn and experience both inside and outside the classroom. My experience thus far in the wonderful country of Kenya has taught me so much about a different education system, a new culture, and myself. It is a worthwhile experience, and there is no better time to go on this kind of adventure. Read more…

The adventure started with a long 20 some hours of flying. The views from the plane were really amazing, and it was an amazing start to the trip. Learning how to navigate airports is also a great skill to obtain, and this trip has made me a pro. Once we landed in the Nairobi Airport my excitement was peaked. It was 8 p.m. and the weather was warm and there was a nice breeze which was a fantastic change from the Ohio/West Virginia winter I was missing back home. Then I met with my contact in Kenya, and they took me to campus. Everyone is extremely nice, and they dropped me in my room at the hostel.

From then on it has been a whirlwind of discovering new people, new foods, and a new way of life. People here in Kenya are so friendly and genuinely care about who you are and how you are doing. I shake so many hands throughout the course of a day it’s ridiculous. Everyone wants to know what it is like where I am from, how I like Kenya, and why I picked Kenya. The food here is so different. The sugary and salty lifestyle we live in the US is not the case here in Kenya. Regardless, the food is so good and new. You can eat very Kenyan dishes like chapati, matumbo, and ugali. Chapati is a tortilla looking food except made differently. It is eaten anytime, any day. Normally it is used to dip into soups, lentils, or curry. Matumbo is cooked cow intestine in a soup. The texture is something to behold, but the flavor is not bad at all. The ugali is a staple food in Kenya. It is a bread kind of thing made from the maize flour. It does not have much of flavor on its own but when it is combines with other foods it is good. It fills you up very quickly. The way of life here is so different then in the states. We are so go go go, but it’s not like that here. They value their time in the moment so much. Some days when we are not busy I experience this. We will go get breakfast at 9 sit there and talk until lunch time. We then go to lunch where we sit and talk until dinner. We get to dinner and sit and talk. It is totally different, and the people here live on Africa time. It pretty much means no one is ever on time because they are living in the moment.

The education system is very different here as well. Professors show up late all the time because of Africa time. There are very few grades. Course schedules are structured very differently. Our education backgrounds are so different. This is a stressful thing to adjust to, but it is a great learning experience. Where another country places importance in education is very interesting. People know the entire periodic table or what Potassium Iodine looks like off the top of their head, but they aren’t sure about what a metaphor or democracy is. It makes for a very interesting time of looking very dumb and very smart in the same day. There are also volunteering opportunities and internships that enhance the experience. I currently volunteer at a local orphanage three times a week, and my friend has an internship with Kenya Wildlife Services and works with African animals all semester.

Overall I have experienced so much and learned so much that no website or class could have taught me. How people view things like race, gender, the US, and the world expands my understanding of the world. Hand washing my laundry, spending about $3 on food a day, and seeing the conditions some people live has shown me how privileged we are. Meeting such friendly people, slowing myself down, and experiencing the beauty of nature has shown me the faults in our lifestyle. This trip has already changed me for the better, and I will never forget it. If you are considering study abroad go for it. I guarantee you will not regret it. If you are not considering study abroad what’s wrong with you? Don’t let fear, money, or other people discourage you from experiencing something that will allow you to grow and stick with you for the rest of your life. All of those things can be worked out with proper planning and effort on your part. Take my word for it you will not regret it.

Nicholas MillerWest Liberty University
Octavia Burke

The semester (in Kenya) is off to a fantastic start, and I’m thoroughly enjoying learning Swahili. I’ve had the pleasure of making friends from Kenya and other parts of Africa. The program trips have been amazing, and I’m particularly looking forward to the upcoming three-day trip to Maasai Mara this weekend. My teachers are incredibly kind and supportive, and I absolutely love my Swahili and Japanese classes. I’m really hoping that by the end of the academic year, I will have reached an intermediate level in both of these languages. Overall, my experience has been nothing short of amazing and has truly opened my eyes to new perspectives.

Octavia Burke Clark Atlanta University
Brennika Debus

I wanted to thank KEI for all the help in making my semester in Kenya happen! I had the most incredible time and I know I made the very best choice for study abroad. My roommate had become one of my very best friends as well as so many others I met along the way. We’ve already started planning my next trip, haha. The KEI excursions were such an amazing addition to the semester and we had new friends join us for each and every one of them. I have nothing but good things to say and great stories to share about my time in Kenya. Thank you again for your help along the way. My semester in Kenya was one I will never stop cherishing.

Brennika DebusEastern Kentucky University
Warner King

I wanted to send thanks to KEI for helping us all through the process, taking care of us, and giving us the opportunity of a lifetime. Jennifer, thank you for the copious amounts of calls and questions I had for you leading up to coming here. Julie, thank you for organizing everything with Patrick and helping us feel as comfortable as possible on our arrival in Kenya. Eduard, thank you for helping with the logistics. I made a recap video of our time in Kenya that I would love to share with you guys and future students because KEI played such a crucial part in making it all happen. I’m happy to be but I miss Nairobi so much.

Again thank you all.

Warner KingUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Elizabeth Manuel

My internship at Nairobi National Park, Animal Orphanage is amazing. I get to work with all types of wildlife. Many of the animals were brought here by park rangers. It is our responsibility to nurse them to health and release them back in the wild. Thank you for this amazing opportunity. I put a lot of pictures on my Facebook. Feel free to take a look.

Elizabeth ManuelSUNY Oneonta
Shawn Walcott

Nairobi is really cool. My classes are very interesting and different. I am learning so much about Kenya and African history.

Shawn WalcottUniversity of Northern Colorado
Joy Gannaway

Africa was great. After being back for almost a month its still weird to think about and understand. Ultimately the whole thing was surreal and while it’s difficult being back and re-adjusting, I wouldn’t trade my Study Abroad for the world. While I was there I did school 4 days a week, traveled with my program most weekends, and on my off weekends, I was watching movies in the dorms and doing volunteer work in orphanages, the church, or just hanging-out. I saw lions, beautiful beaches, some seriously cool people (the Maasai) and made some really awesome new friends.

Joy GannawayUniversity of South Carolina
Morgan Brown

Nairobi is amazing! Everyone has been great. Thank you for setting up this program the way it’s been set up. It’s all been so easy to settle in between our program cost covering our health insurance and fees, to including within it a lot of travelling that’s already paid for. It’s been great, and I already dread having to leave. It seems like every day is so exciting that I can’t help but try to write it all down. I have a blog about my experiences. Do read about my adventures!

Morgan BrownSUNY New Paltz
Hannah Heebner

I enjoyed my time in Kenya more than I can express. I loved the people that I met, and I learned some valuable life lessons that I really don’t think I could have gained in another way. Thank you so so much for everything you did for me this summer, and just for being a support system back in the US. It was such a comfort to know you were there if we ever needed something.

Hannah HeebnerUniversity of Michigan
Sally Bowen

I feel that our program compared to other American students staying in Kenya was the best because everything was so well planned and there was so much to do. We experienced much more of the country than the other students. The excursions and Patrick (KEI Onsite Director) were great. There was not anything that I did not enjoy about the program.

Sally BowenViterbo University
Bailey McGuinness

Patrick (KEI Onsite Director) was easy to find or contact if I needed something or had any questions. He was very knowledgeable, kind and accessible. He was a positive part of my KEI experience. Patrick is wonderful!

The girls in Kenya participate more in class discussions than in the USA. It was really nice and refreshing – an interesting cultural difference. There were many more group projects, class presentations and discussions than at my school from home. It is a much more interactive and involved learning process. I liked it.

I was really glad to be on campus. It made it easier to meet people and I felt like I was in the center of everything.

Bailey McGuinnessGeorge Washington University
John Ott

I really love this place. I’ve seen things I’ve never seen before – like lion cubs nursing at Massai Mara, elephants, giraffes – and it’s a really fun place. It feels very free. The classes are excellent, too. I’m taking a class on marriage and even a class on death, dying, and bereavement, which reminds me to live my life to the fullest. I’ve made many friends and even have a cute girlfriend from Zimbabwe now.

Thank you very much for helping me get to Kenya, for I am receiving an education that spans three continents as well as allowed me to meet people from all over the world. Just the other day my Zimbabwe girlfriend, a Sudanese boy from Australia, and myself went to a Hindu temple here and participated in the festival. The cultural differences and similarities I am learning-well, I am extremely fortunate to have been given such an opportunity.

John OttUniversity of South Carolina
Mike Jean-Baptiste

I wanted to take the time and thank KEI for my study abroad program. I was originally planning to study in Ecuador, but my visa was rejected. Thank you guys for the quick decision about Peru when Ecuador did not work out, and thank you for being with me every step of the process to make this study abroad experience unforgettable. After spending 38 days in Peru, after all the friends and adventure, I would not change a thing because I absolutely fell in love with Cuzco and the people there. As you probably already know, Nancy (KEI Onsite Director) is awesome! KEI as a whole is awesome. We heard complaints from students participating on different programs but we had nothing but praise for the KEI program. Once again, thank you.

Mike Jean-BaptisteWest Virginia Wesleyan College
Jacqueline Lujan

Lima is a wonderful place for someone to live and study. USIL professors are excellent and the campus offers many opportunities to learn Spanish and engage with the local community. The KEI Program Manager and Onsite Director are amazing. The orientation was very thorough and helpful. The KEI Director is a helpful and kind person who knows everything about the city and available when needed. Thank you.

Jacqueline Lujan University of Colorado - Denver
Christopher Mundiath

Life in Lima is great! I’m so thankful for the opportunity KEI has given me. Classes are going well, the Don Ignacio housing is nice and the KEI Director does a great job at helping us out. We’ve already been to a bunch of places in and around Lima. I talked to the KEI Program Manager about staying another semester here… I’m really liking it and I think it would be nice if I could!

Christopher MundiathLaSalle University
Lauren Williamson

I am loving Cusco! My home stay family is perfect and the house is walking distance from pretty much everything which is really nice. I am glad I chose a home stay because I get home cooked meals and good Spanish practice and pretty much a second mom. Classes are interesting if not a little difficult but I just finished midterms so time is flying! We are headed to Machu Picchu Friday so I’m excited.

Lauren Williamson University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Natalie Siddique

Life is Moscow is phenomenal! This has been an amazing, amazing experience. What it comes down to is the undeniable existence of ‘Russianness.’ There are certain features that make this place, these people, this life unique to no end. It’s certainly not the West but it’s also not the East. Instead, it’s some crazy, unpredictable, well-intended, bundle of life still stuck behind in advancement but so much further in the entrancement of humanity and happiness.I have actually been blogging about my trip in Moscow since the day I left the states. In it are my personal thoughts, observations, and lots of photos. Take a look if you’re interested!

Natalie SiddiqueBoston University
Jake Wilson

Moscow has been an amazing experience to say the least. There are certainly the share of ups and downs (like any living cycle), but I am so very happy I have had the chance to see, study, interact with, and relate to everything in Russia. Just the other weekend I was at the State Tretakov looking at pieces by Ivanov and Vereshchagin (one particularly striking painting of a pile of skulls in a desert), and was just in awe of all the art and history that I had missed out on until now. Two weeks ago I was in Kazan with the KEI group visiting the large collection of both Orthodox churches and mosques in the capital of Tartarstan. And just the other day, my friends Francesca from Switzerland and Luke from Boston were eating kartoshka from kiosks in the university square overlooking the city. I feel as alive as I did when I first moved to Chicago. If not more. There are a thousand (well, let’s say at least 55; one for every day) stories like these I would like to share with you and other students. Thank you and hope all is well with the KEI crew. Paka!

Jake WilsonUniversity of Illinois - Chicago
Cody White

My name’s Cody White and I have always dreamed of visiting Russia. Setting foot in the country, however, was not enough: I wanted to experience Russia in a different way. So, I decided to set out to Moscow and… touch Russia.

Cody WhiteWest Virginia University
Steven Flynn

Things are going great in Russia! I am having the time of my life. The excursions have been enlightening. My Russian language course is kicking my butt! But I am learning so much, being challenged on my level. This has been a great experience.

Steven FlynnCentral Washington University
John Reid

Professor Bogdonov is essentially a human encyclopedia of Russian politics. I took notes on nearly every sentence he spoke. Who knew a 3-hour lecture could be so interesting?

John ReidVirginia Tech University
Justin Huff

The internship is killer. I am an investor relations intern at a new, but very respectable firm. We are doing work for RZD, the largest railroad company in Russia.

Justin HuffUniversity of South Carolina
Meredith Rawls

Why Study in Moscow?

Video Part 1; Video Part 2

Meredith RawlsHarvey Mudd College
Krista Druen

A Kentuckian in ScotlandI should have started this blog awhile back, but late is better than never, right? I’m finally having some time to sit back and reflect on my first few weeks here in Scotland. First off, I’ll explain my blog title, I can’t resist a (good) terrible pun. I am staying in Galashiels, which is often referred to as “Gala”. And I’m studying fashion design here. So there you have it. :)Galashiels is a town of about 22,000 people, and it’s known for textile production. Which explains why Heriot-Watt’s design campus is here. It’s quite charming.Everyone I’ve met here has been very welcoming and willing to help with anything I need. I was told I might struggle with understanding the accents, but I haven’t had too much trouble. Except for when I call a cab. I suppose since I can’t see their lips moving it’s a bit more difficult. I just wing it, ha-ha.All of the majors on this campus are related to fashion design. Womenswear, Menswear, Textiles, Fashion Technology, Fashion Communication, you name it. Because my major at home is much broader than that, I was able to pick and choose from each of the programs to work for me.I’m so excited about my classes. I ‘ve already done so many new things. I definitely feel challenged in my classes, and I mean that in the best way. I didn’t know how to use Adobe Illustrator a week ago and now I’ve designed a collection on it! I can’t wait to bring this to life.Sometimes it randomly hits me that I’ve travelled almost 4,000 miles away from home. Which is awesome. The world is so big with so much to see. I’ve been on a few different excursions which I’ll post more about ASAP! Read more of my blog.

Krista DruenEastern Kentucky University
Chrystal Cordova

I am loving Scotland. It is not as cold as I thought it would be (well, it started snowing today but that’s the first time it’s been that cold so far). I also made two really great friends in my hall and we plan on traveling together. They both live in the U.S. but one of them grew up in Mexico. The rest of my mates are from France and they are all really nice too. I also see everyone from the KEI program all the time and we have been doing lots of fun things. Some classes are a little hard but I should be fine with all of that. Overall, it has been great and I wish I could stay here longer haha.

Chrystal CordovaColorado School of Mines
Victoria Lepham

Although I was part of the first KEI group to study in Edinburgh, I had the best time of my life and it was the epitome of my college experience. Excursions were great since I got to explore all over Scotland and the KEI Onsite Director was consistently helpful and attentive. Thank you KEI for making such a program affordable.

Victoria LephamUniversity of Houston
Kathryn Raybould

The program was fantastic. Everyone was helpful and welcoming. The KEI Onsite Director was terrific. She helped with problems and was always available. The excursions were wonderful. I enjoyed my time abroad and can’t wait to go back.

Kathryn RaybouldNew Mexico State University
Salma Rashad

I love it in Burgos! The atmosphere is very exciting and I appreciate the scenery. My roommate is a very sweet Brazilian girl, and the students are very welcoming and engaging so we have had activities almost every single day. UBU is such a nice campus. The faculty for economics are very friendly, and my academic advisor is helpful and funny. All the information provided during orientation was beneficial and definitely helped me get the lay of the land. The walk to school is not bad at all, it is actually quite scenic. I was a little worried about not being able to figure out the bus system, but it was quite easy. Burgos has been a delight.

Salma RashadCalifornia State Polytechnic University Pamona
Catherine Do

I’m having a great time in Spain! I recently returned from Valencia, where I experienced Las Fallas – one of the country’s biggest celebrations. It was an incredible experience! Being here has helped me grow more independent and open-minded. My perspectives and boundaries are constantly being challenged in the best way possible. I’m eager to explore more of Europe. My classes have also been pushing me to immerse myself in the Spanish language, and I can feel my comprehension improving each day.

Catherine DoUniversity of Houston
Brian Wilkins

Thanks for allowing me to utilize your program! It has opened my horizons as a scholar and broadened my perspective as an African-American. I’ll remember the experiences, people and most importantly the knowledge that I acquired while studying in Burgos. I couldn’t thank you enough for granting me the KEI Travel Grant. KEI has really been a life altering experience and I’m happy that you allowed me into your wonderful program. I would like to keep in touch for advice and possibly to talk about future endeavors.

Brian WilkinsFlorida A&M University
Mary Bennett

This was a wonderful program, and I really enjoyed my time in Burgos. I cannot stress how helpful it would be for future students to become involved with the Erasmus Organization in Burgos. This is how I made the large majority of my friendships here. I also became really close friends with Marisol, my host abuela, and two other students living there. I really recommend living with her to any future students given that she is very kind, helpful, a great Spanish teacher, and an all-around wonderful individual. If a student really desires privacy and isn’t comfortable living in a familial type of situation, I would not suggest it. It also helped my Spanish tremendously.

Mary BennettUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Nicole Selsov

The New York staff were very prompt in answering questions, willing to help (even silly questions!) and understanding. The school was international and I learned so much about the world and different cultures.

Nicole SelsovUniversity of Massachusetts
Dillon Quitugua

I would like to congratulate KEI with regard to your exceptional staff, especially Marisa Vinitketkumnuan (KEI Onsite Director). It is human nature to look past the good and only focus on the bad. This letter is to do the opposite. It is to focus on the good that has occurred within the program of KEI because of Marisa.

I have now been studying abroad at Mahidol University International College for over a month and I feel compelled to inform you that Marisa has gone above and beyond my expectations as KEI’s on-site director. Marisa has connected to her students as a mentor, adviser and counselor. She has treated us as human beings and not as clients, and we have taken notice. Time and time again, Marisa has risen to the occasion of making the students of KEI feel cared for, important and welcomed in Thailand.

Moving to a new country is a taxing, difficult transition for most, but because of Marisa it was seamless; Marisa’s work ethic and compassion for her job and her students has been recognized by myself other students as well. We look forward to our cultural excursions and weekend trips with Marisa because she epitomizes Thailand’s culture of hospitality and sincere care.

I am confident in saying that my time here in Thailand would be a lot less vivacious without Marisa. From answering distraught phone calls at 3 am to counseling students amidst emotional turmoil, Marisa does more than her job entails because to her, being an on-site director is more than just another job.

Students in other programs such as CIS have come up to me and asked me how KEI is and I have nothing but good to say, unlike our peers in regards to their programs.

So, again, congratulations on having Marisa as your Onsite Director in Thailand. She has truly made a world of a difference.

Dillon QuituguaWestern State Colorado University
Ashley Ellis

My experience in Thailand was beyond incredible, more like life changing. The different places, the food, the people and other aspects of the rich culture in Thailand made my stay there an unforgettable one. The KEI Onsite Director played a critical role in making our semester abroad enjoyable and educational. A lot of time and effort was dedicated in planning activities for my peers and I. We visited different beautiful areas, such as the Island of Kho Samet, the Grand Palace, ChiangMai, Bangkok and many other places.I am a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major. So the courses I took were science-based; although I did complete an exciting Thai Language and Culture course. The teaching styles were different but with proper time management, it is more than possible maintain excellent grades while exploring all Thailand has to offer. The KEI program arranged for housing that was conveniently located within walking distance of Mahidol University. The people in the community were very pleasant and accepted us with open arms. Thank you KEI for this amazing program!

Ashley EllisLincoln University
Kevin Roemer

Thailand is completely amazing. I am meeting so many amazing people and learning tons about the cultural constructs here in Bangkok and greater Thailand. I’m making my way around quite well, and pick things up even faster. Garret (my roommate) and I have hit it off really well and have met quite a few Thai friends who we have been hanging out with a ton. We’ve done some travelling; we went to Erawan National Park as well as all the trip that you guys at KEI have helped to set up. They have been amazing. I thank KEI for putting in so much effort in accommodating us and making sure we are comfortable. From the accommodations to the trips it has all be so wonderful. It seems like we are getting more special treatment than others and I could not thank you more for the experience you have helped to foster. If you are interested in finding out more about what I’ve been up to. My blog can be found at and I also created a website with Brittany Raab to bring insight into Thai culture by showcasing Thai individuals we have had experiences with along the way. You can find that at its really quite interesting. Perhaps you can share it along if you like and follow we are constantly adding more people. Thanks again for everything.

Kevin RoemerIllinois Institute of Technology
Shannon Nichole & Rebecca Casto

Yep: things are going great! Rebecca and I are loving our classes. We had a good day with the KEI Director yesterday at the Royal Temple and a few Wats. However, my favorite part of the day was, upon coming back from dinner, we saw Tierra and one of the female staff here out playing some badminton in the street. We took the opportunity and joined them, and had a blast! Sean and Cashauna played some, as well. It was a great getting to know the staff a bit better – giggles are a common language! Read our blog…

Shannon Nichole & Rebecca CastoDavis & Elkins College
Sherlee Rivera

The time I had in Thailand was amazing that I can’t believe I was away for three months! From the day I arrived in Thailand until the day everyone said their last good-byes at the farewell dinner, were the best moments of my life. There is no other thing I would add to change the Thailand program. Thank you KEI for letting me have the experience of a lifetime.

Sherlee RiveraFlorida Atlantic University
Cashana Hudson

Thailand is great. Very different in almost every way, but at the same time it allows us to see the world in another light besides our American way of thinking and doing things. I am really enjoying Thailand. The KEI Onsite Director is so sweet and she tries her hardest to make sure we all are enjoying ourselves. Today is Quin’s birthday and yesterday was Amanda’s birthday and she came over with cake and ice cream so it turned into a mini birthday party which was nice. Last weekend we all went to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai and we had a blast! We did so much, but my favorite had to riding the elephant and visiting the white temple.

Cashana HudsonLincoln University
Stephanie Littman

I love Thailand! I just got back from the best weekend. My roommates and a bunch of kids from Germany, Italy and Netherlands went to a place called RCA, a street lined with dance clubs. The next day we spent shopping at JJ Market.I love my [clinical] internship. Each week my schedule changes and I shadow someone different. This week I work at Siririja Hospital in the mornings and go to Pinklao OPD in the afternoons. The staff is extremely helpful and very young so I felt very comfortable with them. Also I have lots of interaction with the patients so that was very nice.I have met so many awesome Thai students. The people are more than hospitable. They also love to practice their English. Read my blog…

Stephanie LittmanAuburn University
Maya Hochberger

I absolutely love KEI. I compared KEI with CIS and AsiaLearn and not only is it cheaper, you get much much more for your money. KEI makes sure students are well informed and looked after before and during their study abroad experience. And, the cultural excursions were well prepared and amazing. I want to thank KEI and The KEI Onsite Director, for everything you did for me. I will continue to promote KEI to everyone I know. If only you offered a grad school program and I promise I would be the first to apply. Thank you again!

Maya HochbergerSmith College
Richard Horn

First off, Thailand was an amazing, eye-opening experience that has changed my life permanently. I have really learned so much about myself and what makes all the cultures around the world the same, I loved the experience.So a big thanks to KEI for my study abroad. The international relations office is exemplary, they are so friendly and helpful. Thank you for a life changing 7 months. I will recommend to all my friends to study through KEI.

Richard HornHarvey Mudd College
Megan Leberknight

We have been non-stop with school and all our travels. There were so many professors from so many different places at the University, so they knew a lot about many subjects. I am definitely having an amazing time, and I love it even more every time I think about all the snow and freezing weather back home!

Megan LeberknightWest Virginia University
Duane Simpfenderfer

I loved the program. It was awesome. The office staff, international friends, accommodations, school, everything. I wish I were still in Bangkok. I want to go back!!!

Duane SimpfenderferPoint Loma Nazarene University
Justin Siu

Life in Thailand is Wonderful! The excursions have been so fun and the scenes so beautiful.
View my photo album…

Justin SiuUniversity of California, San Diego
Caroline Senungi

This was a GREAT, AMAZING program in which I met the most amazing people. It was an unforgettable experience, sometimes hard to put into words. So thank you, KEI, for this program. I will recommend it!

Caroline SenungiAugsburg College
Laura Reynolds

Your program changed my life!

Laura ReynoldsUniversity of Rochester
Jonah Sutton

Thailand and Southeast Asia were amazing. My video speaks a thousand words.

Jonah SuttonWestern Colorado State University
Isabella Grieder

I’ve seen and done many amazing things in Thailand that feel life-changing. Taking care of the elephants was a real treat! The trip to Chiang Mai was awesome. I also really enjoy navigating using buses and trains – that’s really cool! On a side note, I got to meet my favorite actor of all time at Siam during an event! I won a raffle and got special VIP privileges. I’ve been really enjoying all my classes! They’re all super interesting and the education has been the best I’ve had. My Thai history class is beyond interesting and my two Gender classes really make me think deeply about social issues and the Western gaze versus the Thai one. My Thai language class has helped me interact better around Thailand and my Global media class also shows some nice perspectives. There hasn’t been a single day I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed my time here. Overall the best time I’ve ever had in my life and it will be really hard to beat this experience!

Isabella GriederUniversity of Illinoise - Chicago
Rahaf M.

I am adjusting pleasantly to life here in Salaya/Bangkok! I have definitely enjoyed all of the KEI trips and excursions so far! It is currently Week 3 of the program and I am happy to say I am enjoying all my classes so far! I have especially enjoyed the Thai Language and Culture Class, as it helped me build some street ‘cred’, just kidding, I am happy to speak my very limited Thai with the locals and my new Thai friends!  Fret not, I also love my major classes as well, they are exceeding my expectations in a great way, I love the close-knit community these classes provide, as I am used to a larger lecture and a smaller discussion, but the MUIC courses blend those aspects seamlessly! I am also very excited to continue joining club events and programs! I have already participated in a group ride to the local Phuttamonthon Park with the MUIC Cycling Club, and painted t-shirts with the Animal Lovers Club! I have joined more clubs, Sign Language Club, Volunteering Club, Badminton Club, Art Club, and Nature Lovers Club, and look forward to participating in their upcoming activities as well!

Rahaf M.University of Illinoise - Chicago
Jayla Jenkins

I’m thoroughly enjoying myself! Marisa is awesome & such a big help! My classes are going well. My teachers speak great English, and they are very helpful and encouraging. Thailand is so beautiful. I have done traveling with and without the program. The people are really nice and welcoming (the locals & students). I’m thoroughly enjoying meeting people from other countries and hearing their perspectives on things. I’m so happy I got this experience. I’m planning to go abroad for my master’s degree.

Jayla JenkinsNorfolk State University
Michelle Valdez

Thailand is great. I can’t think of a more perfect program. Marisa (KEI Onsite Director) is wonderful! We all love her and she does so much for us – too much if I say so myself. MUIC and all of the university staff are also very nice.  I’ve established good friendships with everyone from the KEI program. Some in the group are already in talks about visiting each other once we get back to the States. I’m really happy in Thailand. Thank you, KEI!

Michelle ValdezUniversity of Houston Downtown
Devin Lightner

I would encourage anyone to come to the United Arab Emirates. My time abroad was demystifying in multiple ways. Not only did I clear up the many misconceptions I had about the Middle East, but I also discovered that there are a plethora of opportunities aboard for Americans. I was honored to be welcomed by most of my peers and the people of the UAE. In addition, I was grateful to do an internship at the Al Qasimi Foundation.Me being an African-American, I did not once feel judged, uncomfortable, or in danger. The experience truly changed my life and when the experience concluded, I wanted to tell everyone about it. I am hoping that more Americans go to see the true culture of the Middle East and hopefully he or she can become more thankful of the blessings we have in the United States.

Devin LightnerVirginia State University
Rushod Weathersbee

My study abroad was nothing but amazing! The staff and students took me in like family. AURAK will always be a second home to me, and a school that I would recommend to anyone who is looks to study in the UAE.

Rushod WeathersbeeLincoln University


Don’t hesitate to contact KEI Ambassadors and program alum with questions about your program of interest. These students look forward to sharing their experiences abroad.

William Hopley
Metropolitan State University
London, England

Sravya Lingam
University of Connecticut
Bangkok, Thailand

Cai Starr
Xavier University
Bangkok, Thailand

Amelia Madden
University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Florence, Italy

Saron Sahle
University of Houston
Paris, France

Elizabeth Hedgepath
Brevard College
Gold Coast, Australia

Ariel Shorter
Xavier University
London Internship

Simidele Rogers
Bennett College
Nairobi, Kenya

Jenna Elston
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
London, England

Arius Whiting
Clark Atlanta University
Florence, Italy

Isabella Grieder
University of Illinois Chicago
Bangkok, Thailand & Tokyo, Japan

Emily Diaz
University of Houston
Florence, Italy

Parent Testimonials

We understand that sending your child to a foreign country can be emotionally difficult. KEI will assist throughout the entire process. We pride ourselves on our dedication and quality of service. Below are a few quotes from parents of KEI alum.

Hola Dearest Nancy,

How can I ever really thank you for all that you have done for our family? From the moment I read your first email to Matt, I knew that this was a special woman coming into our lives. Your care, compassion, understanding of Matt has been amazing. You have been there for him every step of the way always giving him the love and support that a mother would give.

How blessed we have been to have our very own Peruvian mother helping!

Gina H.

I have spoken with Justin a few times since his arrival in Russia. He said he is having the time of his life. He had hoped the trip would be a dream come true, but it is so much better than he ever thought possible. Truly it is sometimes difficult to understand what he is saying because he is laughing and so excited the entire time he talks. He is not only using his Russian language skills but is also brushing up on his French as some of his new friends are French and his “group” speaks to each other in Russian, French and English. The entire time I am speaking to him other students are in and out of the room making plans etc. and all are from different countries and cultures. What an amazing opportunity you provide, what an experience!!

I can’t thank you enough for all you did to make this possible, especially to Julie (Julie Pollard, KEI Director of Operations) who encouraged us to submit the application even though it was so close to the deadline when we discovered the program and to the KEI staff who were so helpful with all the last minute passport/visa issues. Justin said the Onsite Director is wonderful and a huge asset to the program.

Thank you also for the mobile phones you provide. It is so helpful to be able to have contact by dialing a number, and not have to wait until Justin finds an internet cafe.

I would highly recommend KEI to anyone with students hoping to go abroad. You have taken what could be a very stressful situation and made it the experience of a lifetime.

Thank you thank you thank you.

Jacqueline R.

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for giving my daughter an incredible summer. She loved her experience abroad. The Onsite Director was the perfect group leader – warm, caring, involved, and willing to help with problems as they arose. Thanks to your terrific supervision and care everything ran smoothly and all the students had a great time.

Jill G.

It was a perfect storm of confluences. This last summer my daughter was able to get an internship with an astrophysicist at the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysics Center in Boston/Cambridge. I credit the KEI program and her research internship in Thailand for making this possible. Jenny has kept in touch with her mates from the program and they have all done amazingly well too.

Thanks Again.

Patrick M.

I wanted to send a personal thank you on behalf of my daughter’s experience. Thank you for ensuring her safety while abroad and thank you for all of your kindness and care for her while she was abroad. This experience has really had a great impact on her and I want to thank you for all you did to make her program the exciting fun filled and safe experience.

Ivelyn N.