Your goal doesn’t have to be to teach abroad after graduation for you to reap the benefits of studying abroad as an education major. By preparing yourself for a diverse and multicultural learning environment you will gain more empathy for your future students, whether that be abroad or in the US. Your future students will likely be from many backgrounds and customs, so the value of being able to teach and connect to a diverse group will be an irreplaceable skill. Future employers will view your education abroad experience as an attractive asset.

The 21st century isn’t coming; its already here. And our students have the opportunity and challenge of living and working in a diverse and rapidly changing world. Public schools must prepare our young people to understand and address global issues, and educators much re-examine their teaching strategies and curriculum so that all students can thrive in this global and interdependent society.
On a KEI program, you often have the unique opportunity to integrate into your host country’s education system. You will see there are different methods of assessment utilized, method of instruction and diverse applications of theories across cultures. Through self reflection you’ll also be able to evaluate the academic system in which you’ve been raised as well providing an enriching opportunity to compare and contrast. As you meet classmates, you can start to examine their experiences from primary school to university and how it is similar and different to your own experience.
KEI offers a wide range of education subjects. Click on a subject area to view program locations that offer courses in that subject.
Alumnus Spotlight
Joycelyn Minor
Major: Education
Program: Guayaquil, Ecuador
Ms. Minor participated in a student teaching internship at Colegio Americano, a bilingual K-12 school, as part of her study abroad program in Ecuador. Ms. Minor taught music classes under the supervision of Colegio Americano teachers. She was also observed via remote video/audio by her supervising professor at Alcorn State University.
“My experience was wonderful. The campus was beautiful and well-kept, and it was a joy to wake up every morning to go to my internship. The administrators and teachers were some of nicest and most helpful individuals I ever met. They knowledge and skills I developed will prove most beneficial in my own classroom. It was an experience that I will always remember and cherish. “
Faculty Spotlight
Dr. Kay Hartwig
School of Education & Professional Studies
Griffith University University
Gold Coast, Australia
Dr. Kay Hartwig is a Senior Lecturer in music and music education at Griffith University in Australia. She has had experience in teaching music from preschool through to year 12 students in the school sector, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate in the tertiary section. Kay is currently responsible for the development and implementation of school-wide strategies and processes in the area of internationalisation making her knowledgeable in all aspects of Griffith’s Education Program.
Dr. Hartwig serves as the Director of Internationalization and Strategic Engagement, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education and Professional Studies, and as a Program Convenor in the Graduate Diploma in Education. She recently accepted the award for Most Outstanding Contribution to overall internationalisation at the Griffith Internationalisation Awards. The Vice Chancellor presented this award to Dr Kay Hartwig for her outstanding overall contribution to the international business activities for the university.
Employability & Education Abroad
Education abroad has been shown to have significant impact on learning, academic performance, graduation, careers, and personality development. Below is a summary of results from notable studies on the impact of education abroad.
Careers, Salaries & Job Skills | |
97% |
of study abroad students found employment within 12 months of graduation, when only 49% of college graduates found employment in the same period. (1) Among study abroad alumni, 90% landed a job within 6 months. (2, 11) |
25% |
higher starting salaries: that’s how much more study abroad students earn than those college graduates who do not study abroad.(1) This equates to approx. $7,000 annually for US students. (3) |
90% |
of study abroad alumni who applied got into their 1st or 2nd choice grad school. (1) |
84% |
of study abroad alumni felt their studies abroad helped them build valuable skills for the job market. (4) A second study confirms this at 85%. (9) |
40% |
of US businesses failed to expand due to a dearth of staff international experience. (13) |
80% |
of study abroad students reported that study abroad allowed them to better adapt to diverse work environments. (4) |
70% |
of study abroad alumni claimed that because of study abroad they were more satisfied with their jobs. (4) |
59% |
of employers said study abroad would be valuable in an individual’s career later on with their organization. (10) |
34% |
of study abroad alumni claimed that study abroad helped them choose their career field. (4) |
19% |
lower unemployment rates were found among study abroad alumni according to a British study. (4) |
Graduation & Academic Performance | |
100% |
greater improvement in GPA post-study abroad. Students who studied abroad saw their GPAs rise twice as quickly as their peers. (8) |
19% |
more likely to graduate: that describes how study abroad participants are more likely to graduate than non-participants. (5, 6, 7) |
Personal Growth | |
97% |
of study abroad alumni attributed study abroad to increased maturity. (12) |
96% |
of study abroad alumni claimed an increase in self-confidence attributed to study abroad. (12) |
89% |
of study abroad alumni reported that study abroad facilitated a greater tolerance for ambiguity. (12) |
Resources | |
1 | Benefits of Study Abroad |
2 | New Survey Shows College Graduates Who Study Abroad Land Career-Related Jobs Sooner, with Higher Starting Salaries |
3 | How Higher Education Affects Lifetime Salary |
4 | AIFS Study Abroad Outcomes |
5 | UC San Diego Study: 2011 EAP and OAP Retention, Graduation, and Time-to-Degree Combined |
6 | Go Abroad and Graduate On-Time: Study Abroad Participation, Degree Completion, and Time-to-Degree |
7 | The Effect of Study Abroad on College Completion in a State University System |
8 | Academic Outcomes of Study Abroad |
9 | The Impact of Studying Abroad on Recent College Graduates’ Careers |
10 | Employers Value Candidates Who Study Abroad |
11 | Mobile Students More Likely to Have a Job |
12 | How More Study Abroad Programmes Could Benefit Society |
13 | Paul Simon Study Abroad Act Back on Legislative Cards |
Everything You Wanted to Know About Dual Immersion But Were Afraid to Ask by Larry Ferlazzo
Dual Immersion is becoming more common place in education circles. It is a wonderful way for students to learn other languages and develop cross-cultural competencies. These skills are almost mandatory in the 21st Century. Read more.
Going Global: Are graduates prepared for a global workforce? by Josselyn Simpson
Going Global is an EIU report, sponsored by Kaplan, that takes a deep dive into how experiences and skills learned abroad can help graduates ease their transition into the reality of today’s global workforce, as well as which international opportunities are offered by universities around the world and which students take up. Read the report.