Are you interested in an internship, research, independent study or community service? Most KEI programs offer experiential learning opportunities, which enable students to participate in an internship, community service, research or independent study while taking coures. Placement is based on an individualized process that takes into account students’ needs, interests and goals.

Get out there in the workforce while you are still in college. Look for internship opportunities or part time employment in your desired field of work. Start building your LinkedIn network now. This will help you discover what interests you most, and it will also position you well from the perspective of the employers that are hiring.
Benefits of Experiential Learning
Improve your employability.
Employers love to see that a potential hire has ‘work’ experience in a foreign country. An international experience will distinguish you from other college graduates competing in the job market. Only a small percentage of students study abroad – and even fewer intern and volunteer abroad – so participation in experiential learning overseas can give you the professional advantage needed to succeed.
Expand your global network.
KEI’s Founder & President likes to say, “The friends you make while abroad may become your colleagues and business partners after you graduate.” Experiential learning allows students to enhance their circle of mentors, contacts and friends with in a specific professional field. The greater your professional network the better your employment opportunities.
Learn another language.
More and more companies and organizations are doing international business or seeking to expand overseas. One of the most import global skills employers are seeking is foreign language ability. Your ability to speak multiple languages will make you more marketable to future employers. Although KEI offers experiential learning opportunities in English-speaking environments, we strongly encourage students to study a foreign language while abroad.
Gain a global understanding and soft skills.
Employers often comment that graduates who come straight from university lack interpersonal or ‘soft skills’ – meaning they have difficulty interacting with people in a work setting. Participating in an internship, community service, research or independent study provides insights into foreign work environments and customs. You will gain a broader view of current events as well as topics within your own academic and professional field. This will help you deal with future challenges and solve problems from a different perspective – soft skills that are valued by employers.
Grow as a person and professional.
Employers rank confidence, interpersonal skills, and initiative as three of the most important attributes for employment. Participating in an internship, community service or independent study while studying abroad will show future employers that you are the kind of person who makes opportunities for yourself rather than waiting for something to happen. You will grow in your independence and self reliance, giving you confidence to take on greater challenges in your future career. Participating in experiential learning abroad will give you the opportunity to test a career path, give you interesting stories to share, and allow you to think about your values and characteristics that shape who you are.
Types of Experiential Learning
Internships are credit-bearing experiences that allow students to test their knowledge against real-life situations and gain practical skills in an international setting. Depending on the program location, internships are available in business, marketing, finance, banking, information systems, multimedia development, network management, information systems, public relations, journalism, hospitality/tourism, international relations, translation, medicine, health, science, engineering and other professional areas.
Academic credit for internships is awarded based on contact hours completed – 1 credit for every 40 hours. Students must commit to a minimum of 120 hours, although some companies/organizations and universities in the USA may require more hours. Students must also complete academic requirements, including a daily journal, term paper or project.
Research and independent study is organized with faculty and researchers at KEI’s host universities. At most program locations, research can be organized in natural and social sciences. Independent study can be organized in most academic disciplines. Research and independent study is awarded 3 credits, but may be extended to 6 or 9 credits.
Community service is ideal for students who want a hands-on experience with a flexible schedule. Depending on the program location, community service is available in social work, humanitarian aid, education, business, public relations, journalism, hospitality/tourism, international relations, translation, medicine and health. There is no academic component and no minimum time commitment. Community service is not-for-credit. Students interested in earning credit should select one of the other experiential learning options.
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Employability & Education Abroad
Education abroad has been shown to have significant impact on learning, academic performance, graduation, careers, and personality development. Below is a summary of results from notable studies on the impact of education abroad.
Careers, Salaries & Job Skills | |
97% |
of study abroad students found employment within 12 months of graduation, when only 49% of college graduates found employment in the same period. (1) Among study abroad alumni, 90% landed a job within 6 months. (2, 11) |
25% |
higher starting salaries: that’s how much more study abroad students earn than those college graduates who do not study abroad.(1) This equates to approx. $7,000 annually for US students. (3) |
90% |
of study abroad alumni who applied got into their 1st or 2nd choice grad school. (1) |
84% |
of study abroad alumni felt their studies abroad helped them build valuable skills for the job market. (4) A second study confirms this at 85%. (9) |
40% |
of US businesses failed to expand due to a dearth of staff international experience. (13) |
80% |
of study abroad students reported that study abroad allowed them to better adapt to diverse work environments. (4) |
70% |
of study abroad alumni claimed that because of study abroad they were more satisfied with their jobs. (4) |
59% |
of employers said study abroad would be valuable in an individual’s career later on with their organization. (10) |
34% |
of study abroad alumni claimed that study abroad helped them choose their career field. (4) |
19% |
lower unemployment rates were found among study abroad alumni according to a British study. (4) |
Graduation & Academic Performance | |
100% |
greater improvement in GPA post-study abroad. Students who studied abroad saw their GPAs rise twice as quickly as their peers. (8) |
19% |
more likely to graduate: that describes how study abroad participants are more likely to graduate than non-participants. (5, 6, 7) |
Personal Growth | |
97% |
of study abroad alumni attributed study abroad to increased maturity. (12) |
96% |
of study abroad alumni claimed an increase in self-confidence attributed to study abroad. (12) |
89% |
of study abroad alumni reported that study abroad facilitated a greater tolerance for ambiguity. (12) |
Resources | |
1 | Benefits of Study Abroad |
2 | New Survey Shows College Graduates Who Study Abroad Land Career-Related Jobs Sooner, with Higher Starting Salaries |
3 | How Higher Education Affects Lifetime Salary |
4 | AIFS Study Abroad Outcomes |
5 | UC San Diego Study: 2011 EAP and OAP Retention, Graduation, and Time-to-Degree Combined |
6 | Go Abroad and Graduate On-Time: Study Abroad Participation, Degree Completion, and Time-to-Degree |
7 | The Effect of Study Abroad on College Completion in a State University System |
8 | Academic Outcomes of Study Abroad |
9 | The Impact of Studying Abroad on Recent College Graduates’ Careers |
10 | Employers Value Candidates Who Study Abroad |
11 | Mobile Students More Likely to Have a Job |
12 | How More Study Abroad Programmes Could Benefit Society |
13 | Paul Simon Study Abroad Act Back on Legislative Cards |